Information Notice No. 84-73: Downrating of Self-Aligning Ball Bushings Used in Snubbers
SSINS No.: 6835
IN 84-73
September 14, 1984
All nuclear power facilities holding an operating license permit (CP).
This information notice is provided as a notification of a potentially
significant problem pertaining to the downrating of self-aligning ball
bushings used in both mechanical and hydraulic snubbers. It is expected that
recipients will review the information for applicability to their facilities
and consider actions, if appropriate, to preclude a similar problem occurring
at their facilities. However, suggestions contained in this information
notice do not constitute NRC requirements and, therefore, no specific action
or written response is required.
Description of Circumstances:
On May 25, 1984, the Carolina Power and Light Company notified the NRC
resident inspector of the failure of a steam generator hydraulic snubber at
H. B. Robinson Plant Unit 2 to pass its operability testing at a rated load
of 470,000 pounds (470 kips). One of the contributors to this failure was
the failure of the self-aligning ball bushing at a static load of 412 kips.
Bushing failure could prevent the snubber from properly aligning itself with
the load and thus lead to failure of the snubber itself. At the time of
manufacture in 1969, one of the 12 snubbers used at H. B. Robinson Plant Unit
2 had been successfully tested at its rated load of 470 kips. However, the
snubbers had not been in-service tested since installation because they were
exempt from testing requirements as a result of their large size and their
being difficult to remove. The snubbers (mounted on the steam generators)
were removed as a part of the steam generator replacement program and were
being rebuilt for preventive maintenance reasons. The snubber was being
functionally tested in the as-found condition before rebuilding when the
failure occurred.
Baxter Fluidpower Group (Anker-Holth), the snubber manufacturer, indicated
in their June 5, 1984, 10 CFR 21 report that the rating for the self-
aligning ball bushing was 899 kips at the time the snubbers were
manufactured in 1969. The report continued by noting that subsequent to
manufacture the bushing manufacturer,
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the Torrington Company, had revised their limit-load rating downward to 300
kips for this model bushing. The report also indicated that the only other
snubber with this bushing in it was a 500 kip model used at Point Beach
Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 and that the affected utility had been notified.
In their supplemental 10 CFR 21 report, Baxter Fluidpower Group (Anker-
Holth) identified two other snubber models which may be affected by this
downrating. They are an 800 kip model at Point Beach Nuclear Plant Units 1
and 2, and a 90 kip model at Prairie Island Nuclear Station Units 1 and 2.
In both cases, the affected utilities have been notified.
Conversations with the Torrington Company indicated that this downrating of
their self-aligning ball bushings took place in 1972 and that they had issued
a notice of this to their primary customers. They indicated that this
downrating had been across their entire product line and that it was the
result of taking a more conservative approach in considering the methods of
use actually encountered in the industries they were servicing. Before this,
the ratings had been predicated on their use in the aviation industry where
the bushing's use more closely approached the ideal conditions used in
determining the theoretical maximum load the bushing could carry. They also
indicated that they had supplied self-aligning ball bushings to other snubber
manufacturers, but that their records are not specific enough to permit them
to determine which other nuclear facilities, if any, might be affected.
The conversations with the Torrington Company also indicated that at least
one other self-aligning ball bushing manufacturer in the United States,
Roller Bearing Company of America, had also down rated their bushings at
approximately the same time. This was confirmed by conversations with the
Roller Bearing Company of America who indicated that, as with the Torrington
Company, their records were not specific enough to permit them to determine
which nuclear facilities, if any, might have their bushings.
SKF, a major foreign manufacturer of self-aligning ball bushings, currently
uses ratings similar to those used by the United States manufacturers before
While the bushings at H. B. Robinson Unit 2 had a limit load of only 300
kips, their ultimate or static fracture rating was 450 kips. Thus, they
should have most likely survived a test at the snubber rated load of 470
kips. A recent finite element analysis of the end housing of the bushing
that failed has indicated that local stresses exceeded the 44,000 psi (44
ksi) certified yield strength of the housing material. This local yielding
of the housing caused an unusual load distribution on the bushing, which
contributed to its premature failure. For a usage such as this, the
Torrington Company's catalogue recommends that the yield strength of the
housing material be a minimum of 75 ksi. The material specification for the
housing at the end that did not fail had a minimum yield of 80 ksi.
Paul Munroe Hydraulics, Inc. has assumed the role of responsible organization
for the snubber product line formerly designed and manufactured by Anker-
Holth. Their 10 CFR 21 reports of July 12 and August 10, 1984 confirmed the
cause of the failure to be that described above and also indicated that the
result of
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the failure is total inoperability of the snubber as a safety-related
component support for the steam generators. A design review by Paul Munroe
Hydraulics, Inc. considered both the bushing downrating and the yield
strength of the end housings. This review indicated that similar problems
exist at four additional sites (Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 1, Crystal River
Nuclear Plant Unit 3, Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant, and Trojan Nuclear Plant
Unit 1) and with snubbers with ratings from 90 kips to 2000 kips.
While the actions taken by Paul Munroe Hydraulics, Inc. appear to resolve
this issue for their product line, there is still the possibility that
snubbers from other manufacturers may have self-aligning ball bushings with
improper ratings or end housings.
No written response to this information notice is required. If you have any
questions about this matter, please contact the Regional Administrator of the
appropriate NRC Regional Office, or this office.
Edward L. Jordan, Director
Division of Emergency Preparedness
and Engineering Response
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contact: R. J. Kiessel, IE
(301) 492-8119
List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021