Information Notice No. 84-32: Auxiliary Feedwater Sparger and Pipe Hanger Damage
SSINS No.: 6835
IN 84-32
April 18, 1984
All holders of nuclear power reactor operating licenses (OLs) or
construction permits (CPs) for pressurized water reactors (PWRs).
This information notice is provided to advise licensees and applicants of an
event involving sparger and pipe hanger damage, which apparently was caused
by water hammer in the auxiliary feedwater system despite specific design
considerations intended to preclude such an event. We expect recipients of
this notice will review the information for applicability to their
facilities and consider actions, if appropriate, to preclude a similar
problem occurring at their facilities. However, suggestions contained in
this information notice do not constitute NRC requirements and, therefore,
no specific action or response is required.
Description of Circumstances:
During a recent inspection following shutdown for refueling at the Palisades
Nuclear Power Plant, damage to the auxiliary feedwater system was found. As
shown on the attached figure, the damage included:
Steam Generator "A" Steam Generator "B"
Thermal sleeve cracked Weld at elbow broken
(see 3 on attached figure) (see 1 on attached figure)
One (of three) hold down clamp Clamp broken on riser pipe to
for sparger missing sparger
(see Detail "C" on attached figure) (see 2 on attached figure)
An inspection conducted just prior to the discovery of the internal steam
generator damage revealed that eight hangers were loose or damaged on the
auxiliary feedwater piping external to the steam generators. These hangers
were inspected before the beginning of the fuel cycle and were known to have
been in good repair at that time. The damage described above is consistent
with the occurrence of water hammer during the cycle.
IN 84-32
April 18, 1984
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Palisades Nuclear Power Plant began feedwater testing in May 1980, following
water hammer events at other nuclear power plants. At that time, the
auxiliary feedwater system discharged through two independently controlled
branches and through check valves to the main feedwater lines immediately
outside containment. From this point, the flow of the auxiliary feedwater
was through the main feedwater lines, through containment penetrations to
the steam generators, and through the main feedwater spargers internal to
the steam generators. During the testing, water hammer was induced at low
pressure and high flow rates; so, testing was stopped, and operational
limits were established for auxiliary feedwater flow rates.
In the fall of 1981, Palisades began modifications that consisted of
disconnecting the auxiliary feedwater lines from the main feedwater lines;
routing the lines through existing spare containment penetrations to the
existing, but previously unused, auxiliary feedwater nozzles on the steam
generators; and providing a separate,auxiliary feedwater sparger inside each
steam generator. The existing auxiliary feedwater nozzle forgings were
equipped with thermal liners to allow cold feed injections, and the
acceptable number of such cycles was analytically determined. The piping
reaction at the nozzles also was evaluated for acceptability. The new
spargers for auxiliary feedwater were designed in accordance with the
current design practice for Combustion Engineering (CE) steam generators. A
number of design features were incorporated specifically to reduce the
susceptibility to water hammer. The piping in the vicinity of the steam
generators was sloped down away from the generators. The sparger was
arranged with top discharge "L" tubes and provided with a water trap to
prevent the sparger from draining when the steam generator water level drops
below the sparger. A vent was provided at the highest point of the, sparger
water trap.
In December 1981, Palisades Nuclear Power Plant completed a series of
apparently successful water hammer tests on the newly installed auxiliary
feedwater system. These tests included use of auxiliary feedwater with the
steam generators at 200 psi and 900 psi.
From December 1981 until August 1983, auxiliary feedwater was used and
tested routinely without apparent incident. Testing included monthly
surveillances at 150 gpm to each steam generator with the plant at near full
The auxiliary feedwater system damage both internal and external to the
steam generators is thought to be the result of water hammer in the
auxiliary feedwater system. This event is one of approximately 30 water
hammers that have occurred in top feed ring design steam generators. Two of
the steam generator water hammers have resulted in rupture of the secondary
side pressure boundary. The first instance was at Indian Point 2 in November
1973, when the feedwater piping cracked and steam was released to the
containment building. The second was at Maine Yankee in January 1983, when
the #2 main feedline ruptured.
IN 84-32
April 18, 1984
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Unlike these two earlier events, the Palisades event did not result in pipe
rupture external to the steam generators.
One aspect of the auxiliary feedwater system design suggesting the
possibility of water hammer is the placement of the new spargers. These
spargers are located at the normal steam generator water level of 65%. With
the expected variation of water level (+-2%), it would be expected that the
sparger and its top mounted discharge "L" tubes are alternately and
frequently covered and uncovered.
Whether or not the damage to the auxiliary feedwater system at the Palisades
Nuclear Power Plant is ultimately attributed to water hammer, this event
demonstrates the need for continued vigilance on the part of operations and
engineering staff. Plant operations staff should be alert to the possibility
of water hammer phenomenon even though the plant is designed to reduce
susceptibility to it. Plant engineering staff should investigate loose or
damaged hangers and operational parameters for the possibility of the water
hammer phenomenon.
Edward L. Jordan, Director
Division of Emergency Preparedness
and Engineering Response
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contact: E. Weiss, IE
(301) 492-4973
1. Palisades Nuclear Power Plant Auxiliary Feedwater
2. List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021