Information Notice No. 84-19: Two Events Involving Unauthorized Entries into PWR Reactor Cavities
SSINS No.: 6835
IN 84-19
March 21, 1984
All nuclear power plant facilities holding an operating license (OL) or a
construction permit (CP).
This information notice is provided as early notification of a recurring
problem pertaining to unauthorized personnel entries into the cavity beneath
the reactor vessel (reactor cavity) while the retractable incore detector
thimbles are withdrawn. Although these recent events did not result in
personnel exposures in excess of regulatory limits, it was fortuitous that
none of the workers remained in the reactor cavity for longer periods of
It is expected that recipients will review this information for applicability
to their facilities and consider actions, if appropriate, to preclude a
similar problem occurring at their facilities. Suggestions contained in this
information notice do not constitute NRC requirements and, therefore, no
specific action or written response is required at this time. However, the
NRC staff is considering the need for further regulatory action, because it
is evident that some licensee high radiation area access control programs
are inadequate to prevent unauthorized entries into areas where radiation
levels of thousands of roentgens per hour (R/hr) can exist. Entry into
radiation fields of this magnitude can seriously jeopardize the health and
safety of personnel.
Description of Circumstances:
Event 1
On October 14, 1983, Turkey Point Unit 3 (Florida Power and Light) was in
cold shutdown for refueling. While the reactor cavity was being filled and
with the incore thimbles withdrawn, the shift technical adviser (STA) and
a roving containment radiation protection technician (RPT) entered the
cavity area to check for water leaks. Contrary to Technical Specification
requirements, the STA and RPT did not obtain a special radiation work permit
(RWP) for the cavity entry, did not comply with locally posted precautions
and instructions at the cavity entry door, and did not possess a radiation
survey instrument capable of
IN 84-19
March 21, 1984
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measuring radiation levels exceeding 5 R/hr. For the estimated sump stay-
time of less than 1 minute, the STA and the RPT received whole-body doses
of 1.3 rem and 0.2 rem, respectively.
Event 2
On February 19, 1984, H. B. Robinson Unit 2 (Carolina Power and Light) was
in cold shutdown for refueling, the reactor cavity was being filled, and the
incore thimbles were withdrawn. While the RPT stayed near the cavity
entranceway, a licensed reactor operator (RO) entered the cavity area to
check for water leaks. Contrary to Technical Specification requirements, no
special RWP was obtained for the entry and the guidance on the locally
posted warning signs ("No Entry; contact Radiological Controls Foreman") on
the cavity entrance door was ignored. The RO entered an unsurveyed area
(later found to be approximately 75-100 R/hr) and received approximately 0.5
rem to the whole body in about 30 seconds.
Appropriate enforcement actions have been proposed for the Turkey Point event
(proposed $40,000 civil penalty) and are under consideration for the H. B.
Robinson occurrence. The NRC staff is concerned since suggestions for reactor
cavity access control made in Information Notice No. 82-51, "Overexposures in
PWR Cavities" (issued December 21, 1982), if properly implemented, would have
prevented these unauthorized cavity entries.
In both events personnel entered an area without fully understanding the
radiological hazards present. The NRC staff is particularly concerned by this
lack of awareness of the reactor cavity radiation hazards, since IN 82-51
specifically stressed the importance of licensed senior ROs gaining an
understanding of the magnitude of radiation hazard this area presents when
the thimbles are withdrawn. In the case of the H. B. Robinson event, the
Shift Foreman instructed the RO to enter the reactor sump, but did not give
explicit instructions for the methods to check for leaks, nor did the Shift
Foreman caution the operator about the radiation hazards in the cavity area.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Regional
Administrator of the appropriate NRC Regional Office, or this office.
Edward L. Jordan, Director
Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contact: J. E. Wigginton, IE
(301) 492-4967
List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021