Information Notice No. 84-14: Highlights of Recent Transport Regulatory Revisions by DOT and NRC

                                                           SSINS NO.:  6835 
                                                           IN 84-14        

                               UNITED STATES 
                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 
                               March 2, 1984 

                                   REVISIONS BY DOT AND NRC 


All NRC licensees. 


During 1983, major revisions to nuclear transportation regulations became 
effective in the U.S.A. Both of the major Federal agencies involved, the NRC
and DOT, have published final amendments in the Federal Register which are 
intended to bring the nuclear transport regulations of he U.S.A. into 
substantial conformity with the international standards as they currently 
exist in the International Atomic Energy Agency's 1973 "Regulations for the 
Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, Safety Series No. 6," as revised. 
Both the DOT and NRC final amendments were based on earlier Notices of 
Proposed Rulemaking published by each agency in 1979. 

The Statements of Consideration to those earlier notices, as well as the 
final amendments, contain extensive discussion and background on the 
specific amendments. Because of the scope and complexity of many of the 
changes, however, NRC feels that it would be useful and helpful to advise 
its licensees further on the more significant amendments. This notice, which 
is generally in outline form, highlights the most prominent changes to 49 
CFR and 10 CFR 71.  Also included is a short discussion and reference to the
recent U.S. Postal Service revision to its rules on allowable mailable 
radioactive matter, which was also intended to conform the U.S. Postal 
Service requirements to the latest international standards. 

Interested readers are urged to obtain and familiarize themselves directly 
with the revisions in the form of the Federal Register references listed in 
Section IV of this information notice. This notice is not intended to be 
complete in itself and in no case should it be considered as a substitute 
for the actual regulations. 

Further questions on the NRC amendments may be directed to the nearest NRC 
Regional Office as noted in Appendix D of 10 CFR 20 or to NRC Headquarters, 
Office of Inspection and Enforcement 301/492-7746. Questions on the DOT 
revisions may be directed to 202/426-2311. 


                                                            IN 84-14       
                                                            March 2, 1984  
                                                            Page 2 of 2    

An important reference which can serve as an excellent supplement to this 
notice is the DOT publication "A Review of the DOT Regulations for 
Transportation of Radioactive Material," which has recently been revised to 
take account of the subject amendments. Copies of this document may be 
purchased from the Supt. of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, 
Washington, D.C. Single copies are available from the DOT, Materials 
Transportation Bureau (202-426-2301). 

                              J. Nelson Grace, Director 
                              Division of Quality Assurance, Safeguards, 
                                and Inspection Programs 
                              Office of Inspection and Enforcement 

Technical Contact:  A. W. Grella, IE 
                    (301) 492-7746 

1.   Highlights of Revisions (13 pages) 
2.   Recently Issued IE Information Notices 

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021