Information Notice No. 82-42: Defects Observed in Panasonic Model 801 and Model 802 Thermoluminescent Dosimeters
SSINS NO.: 6835
IN 82-42
November 5, 1982
Information Notice No. 82-42: DEFECTS OBSERVED IN PANASONIC MODEL 801
All NRC licensees
Description of Circumstances:
Many licensees use thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) for personnel
radiation monitoring. One of the major suppliers of these TLD systems is the
Panasonic Industrial Company. It has come to the attention of the NRC that
Panasonic Model 801 and Model 802 dosimeters have exhibited a defect that
could reduce the response of affected elements. Panasonic has sent a letter
to its customers describing the problem and providing actions to be taken in
case the defects are found in the customers' dosimeters. A copy of this
letter is attached. The purpose of this Information Notice is to inform NRC
licensees of the defect and its significance and how to respond if their
dosimeters are affected.
In September 1982, during an interlaboratory calibration check, the NRC
noted a decrease in the response of a number of the dosimeters which it uses
in its TLD Direct Radiation Monitoring Network. Inspection of the dosimeters
indicated that the affected elements had bubbles on the carbon-coated
polyamide backing material and the aluminum substrate. The bubbles affect
the heat transfer and thus the calibration. When these defects were
discussed with the manufacturer, NRC staff learned that four other customers
had also observed the same defect in their dosimeters. The precise cause of
the defect is not yet known with certainty, but the following
characteristics have been observed thus far:
1. Affected dosimeters apparently lose sensitivity to a variable degree,
thus underestimating radiation exposure. The NRC has observed response
reductions as high as a factor of two and other users have reported
even greater reductions.
2. The effect appears to occur randomly. Though two dosimeters may be
handled identically and have the same production date, one may produce
a bubble in one or more elements and the other may not have any.
3. The bubbles usually appear on the carbon-coated polyamide backing
material but have also been seen on the aluminum substrate. Changes in
element calibration factors may also indicate the presence of a defect;
however, bubbles have been observed that have not significantly
affected element calibration factors. The bubbles are large and easily
IN 82-42
November 5, 1982
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4. The effect has been seen on both lithium borate and calcium sulfate
elements, but more frequently on the latter.
Although Panasonic believes that this defect is the result of manufacturing
problems at the factory, the possibility that the defect may be reader-
related has not been ruled out, because of possible TLD element overheating.
NRC licensees are required to perform personnel radiation monitoring in
accordance with 10 CFR 20.202. Licensees who use Panasonic Model 801 or
Model 802 TLD systems should verify that their dosimeters continue to
respond accurately and should be prepared to take compensatory actions if
the defects described herein appear on their dosimeters. Other Panasonic
models that employ calcium sulfate elements may also be affected and should
be checked as well. The only way to ensure that one's dosimeters are not
affected is to visually examine each dosimeter. Therefore, recalibrations
and visual examination of dosimeters should be sufficient to identify
damaged dosimeters. The dosimeters should be recalibrated whenever bubbles
are observed. Where damaged dosimeters are detected, personnel exposure
should be re-evaluated using data from undamaged elements or by using other
available dosimetry such as self-reading dosimeters.
No written response to this information notice is required. If you need
additional information regarding this matter, contact the Administrator of
the appropriate NRC Regional Office.
L. I. Cobb, Director
Division of Fuel Facilities, Materials
and Safeguards
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contact: J. Metzger
1. Ltr. fm Panasonic Industrial Co. to its
customers signed by Panasonic Natl.
Sales Manager.
2. List of Recently Issued Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021