Information Notice No. 82-41: Failure of Safety/Relief Valves to Open at a BWR
SSINS NO.: 6835
IN 82-41
October 22, 1982
All nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license (OL) or
construction permit (CP).
This information notice is provided as a notification of a potentially
significant problem pertaining to Target Rock two-stage safety/relief
valves. It is expected that recipients will review the information for
applicability to their facilities. No specific action or response is
required at this time.
Description of Circumstances:
On July 3, 1982, Georgia Power Company's Hatch Unit 1 was operating at 100%
power when a spurious high-pressure signal caused a reactor scram. The
variation in pressure with time is shown in Figure 1. The main turbine had
not tripped when a Group 1 isolation* occurred. High-pressure coolant
injection (HPCI) and reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) auto-started and
injected and the recirculation pumps tripped. The main turbine was then
manually tripped. When vessel water level recovered and reached the high
water level trip set point, HPCI, RCIC, and the feedwater pump turbines
Gradual vessel repressurization continued beyond the high-pressure scram
setpoint on a 0.5 psi/sec ramp without relief valve actuation. About 1180
psig, three safety/relief valves (SRVs) automatically actuated, relieving
vessel pressure rapidly. Upon the SRVs' closure, the main steam isolation
valves were manually reopened and the reactor was cooled and depressurized
to cold shutdown. During cooling and depressurizing, the remaining eight
SRVs were manually actuated and functioned properly.
The SRVs installed on Hatch 1 are the two-stage Target Rock model number
7567F (see Figure 2). All three SRVs that opened automatically were located
on the same steam line and were the only valves on that line. Their
setpoints were 1080, 1080, and 1090 psi. The remaining eight SRVs were set
at 1080,
*Closure of main steam isolation valves, main steam drain isolation valves,
and recirculation loop sample isolation valves.
IN 82-41
October 22, 1982
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1090, or 1100 psi. All had been refurbished and steam set at Wyle Labs
during the previous refueling outage and had most recently been actuated in
August of 1981.
Following the July 3, 1982 event, the top works or pilot section (see Figure
3) of all the SRVs were removed and sent to Wyle Labs, where they were
tested in the as-received condition. Six passed their first test, four
passed on retest, and the final valve passed on the second retest -- all
without setpoint spring adjustment. The average first actuation pressure was
0.9% above nameplate with the highest pressure required being 4.1% above
nameplate. No abnormal leakage characteristics were observed for any of the
valves. No apparent mechanical failure was found in the top works at Wyle
Labs or the valve bodies inspected at Hatch.
Three additional licensees--TVA, Northeast Nuclear Energy Company, and
Boston Edison--had reported that two-stage Target Rock valves, tested in the
as-received condition at Wyle Labs, failed to actuate within 1% of the
setpoint. (Reference LER 50-259/81-25, 50-296/81-74, 50-293/81-62,
50-260/82-27). (The excessive leakage and the damaged internals of the
Pilgrim valves may present quite a different problem from that of Hatch,
Browns Ferry, or Millstone.) The Hatch 1 event of July 3, 1982 was
potentially the most significant in terms of both (1) the fraction of valves
that failed to open at their setpoint, and (2) the pressure above setpoint
required to open the valves.
The General Electric Company (GE) and the Target Rock Company have joined
Georgia Power in attempting to determine the cause of the failure of the
valves to actuate. A GE analysis suggests that the most likely cause of the
high actuation pressure is some combination of friction in the labyrinth
seal area and/or sticking of the pilot disc in its seat. The slow
repressurization ramp and the extended period during which the valves were
not actuated are also considered possible contributors to the incident.
To define the problem and to improve the probability of actuation of the
SRVs, Georgia Power has instituted a program at Hatch whereby nine of the
eleven Unit 1 valves will be exercised regularly. Two valves will not be
exercised and will be utilized for possible future testing. Unit 2 valves
will be subjected to a similar program. Also, Georgia Power has arranged
with GE and with cooperating licensees for screening tests to be done on
additional SRVs at Wyle Labs. Valves which are pressurized at the 0.5 psi
ramp to 103% of nameplate rating without actuating are to be candidates for
diagnostic testing to determine the magnitude of forces in the disc-to-seat
interface and the labyrinth seal area. Further, examination of interior
surfaces will be conducted to locate any physical damage. Two such
candidates were found in the recent testing of three SRVs belonging to
Northeast Nuclear Energy Company's Millstone Unit 1.
IN 82-41
October 22, 1982
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If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Regional
Administrator of the appropriate NRC Regional Office, or this office.
Edward L. Jordan, Director
Division of Engineering and
Quality Assurance
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contact: M. S. Wegner, IE
1. Appendix A: Figures 1 through 3
2. List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021