Information Notice No. 82-39: Service Degradation of Thick Wall Stainless Steel Recirculation System Piping at a BWR Plant
SSINS No.: 6835
IN 82-39
September 21, 1982
All boiling water reactor facilities holding an operating license (OL) or
construction permit (CP).
This notice is to provide licensees and construction permit holders
available information about the degradation of the primary pressure boundary
at Nine Mile Point Unit 1 due to intergranular stress corrosion cracking.
Recipients should review this information relative to their facilities. If
NRC evaluation so indicates, further licensee action may be requested. In
the interim, we expect licensees to review the relevance of this information
for applicability to their facilities.
Description of Circumstances:
The Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 1 (NMP Unit 1) was shut down in
order to replace recirculation pump seals. On March 23, 1982, leakage was
visually detected at two of the ten recirculation loop safe ends during a
primary system hydrotest at 900 psig to test the seals. Further visual
inspection identified three pin-hole indications and a single 1/2-inch long
axial indication, all of which were located in the heat affected zone of the
welds where the safe end joined the pipe.
On March 26, 1982, an ultrasonic examination of the two affected safe ends
and one other safe end confirmed the presence of intermittent cracking
indications around the pipe's inside diameter. Further ultrasonic
examination of the welds joining the pump discharge casting to the riser
elbow also revealed cracking in weld heat affected zones on the inside
diameter (ID) of the elbows. This was later confirmed by dye penetrant
Because the cracks were confirmed at the welds of the safe ends and riser
elbows, the ultrasonic examination was extended to all of the remaining
welds in the five loops of the primary system, wherever radiation levels
permitted. The results of this examination show ID cracking at a large
number of the welds examined. Two boat samples removed from the area of the
through-wall cracks in one safe end were sent to General Electric and
Battelle Laboratories, respectively, for evaluation. A boat sample from the
crack region of the elbow weld was also evaluated by Sylvester Associates,
consultants to the licensee. The results
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September 21, 1982
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of these metallurgical evaluations concluded the degradation was due to
intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) in the sensitized region of
the welds' heat affected zones. Further metallurgical investigation is being
pursued to determine, as far as possible, the probable cause(s) of the
Based on the results of the examinations and investigations to date, the
licensee will replace the safe ends and 28-inch recirculation piping in all
five loops of the system. Replacement of the branch piping out to the first
isolation valve is also being considered; however, no final decision in this
regard has been made at this time.
All replacement material will be stainless steel type 316 nuclear grade
consistent with NUREG-0313, Revision 1 requirements. The actual replacement
will be accomplished in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section XI, 1977 Edition and Addenda through summer 1978. Welding will
be performed in accordance with Section IX, 1978. Fitup requirements will be
in accordance with ANSI Pressure Piping Code B31.1-1977 and Addenda through
winter 1979. The replaced system configuration will duplicate the original
All ten recirculation system safe ends at NMP Unit 1 had been previously
examined volumetrically by ultrasonic techniques at each refueling outage
under an augmented inservice inspection program. This was in addition to the
ASME code required inservice inspection program applied to other system
welds. The augmented program was required because of IGSCC problems
experienced with furnace-sensitized safe ends at this and other BWR plants.
It is important to note that the programs conducted under the normal and
augmented programs did not indicate a pending problem. Examinations were
performed during 1979 and 1981. The procedure employed during the 1981
augmented program for the safe ends was based on ultrasonic test (UT) using
the EPRI transducer with a flat calibration block which was stated to be
capable of detecting IGSCC at the code required gain or sensitivity level.
The procedure differed from the GE recommended procedures in specifying less
gain, and differed significantly in the calibration standards and data
recording requirements, thus resulting in reduced sensitivity compared to
the GE recommended procedures.
After leakage was visually observed on March 23, 1982, a UT examination of
the safe ends was performed using the same method employed in the 1981
augmented program. Many safe ends exhibited code "reportable," but not
rejectable indications. However, when an ultrasonic sensitivity of 10
decibels above code calibration sensitivity was employed, greater
reliability was realized in detecting the presence and full extent of the
IGSCC problems with the thick wall piping welds, both at the safe ends and
at other locations in the reactor coolant system. The generic implications
of the above variances is under further review by the NRC staff.
This Information Notice No. is to advise licensees of further occurrences of
the prevailing IGSCC problem that is under continuing review by the NRC
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September 21, 1982
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If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Regional
Administrator of the appropriate Regional Office, or this Office.
Edward L. Jordan, Director
Division of Engineering and
Quality Assurance
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contact: W. J. Collins
List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021