Information Notice No. 82-20: Check Valve Problems
SSINS No. 6835
IN 82-20
June 28, 1982
Information Notice No. 82-20: CHECK VALVE PROBLEMS
All nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license (OL) or
construction permit (CP).
This information notice is provided as a notification of potentially
significant problems pertaining to check valves. It is expected that
recipients will review the information for applicability to their
facilities. No specific action or response is required at this time.
Description of Circumstances:
A number of problems were recently reported involving swing check valves
supplied by two manufacturers. Palisades Nuclear Plant, which is an
operating plant, reported severe damage to the internals of 6-inch Alloy
Steel Products Company (ALOYCO) swing check valves used in the low-pressure
safety injection system (LPSI).
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, which is under construction, reported
three separate problems with Pacific Company swing check valves that range
in size from 6 inches to 20 inches installed in the residual heat removal
(RHR), reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC), and core spray systems.
The valves are similar in design and service to numerous other swing check
valves, manufactured by other companies, that have had similar problems in
the past. (Ref. LER 50-298/77-18, 50-255/81-37; A0 50-331/75-23; IE
Information Notices 80-41, 81-30 and 81-35)
Internal Damage to ALOYCO Valves:
During required modifications of the LPSI system at the Palisades Nuclear
Plant, Consumers Power Co. of Michigan reported that two of the four LPSI
swing check valves were found to have internal damage. In both valves the
disc nut washer and the disc nut pin were missing and the valve body,
clapper arm, disc clapper arm shaft, and clapper arm support were severely
worn. The discs were still attached to their clapper arms; however, valve
seat and disc sealing surfaces were damaged and leaks from the valves could
have been excessive.
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June 28, 1982
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It was subsequently discovered that the remaining two LPSI check valves had
similar internal damage. The four LPSI check valves at Palisades were
manufactured by ALOYCO about 1968. They are 6-inch swing-type check valves
with weld ends for attachment to Schedule 120 piping. All four valves were
mounted vertically with the flow direction upward.
The swing check valves have an inline configuration with a ballooned or
expanding area in the valve body for movement of the flapper-type disc. The
disc is substantially larger than the nominal inside diameter of the pipe or
valve. If the disc should become separated from the clapper arm, it would be
trapped within the expanded portion of the valve body. This could lead to
reduced LPSI flow or (with some small probability) the complete blockage of
the line.
Operation of the swing check valve in the direction of flow (normal
operation) causes the threaded shaft on the back of the valve disc to strike
the valve body as it opens to the full-flow position. (The valve body is the
ultimate limiter of disc opening. During full-flow operation, there
apparently is sufficient turbulence to cause the disc to chatter against the
valve body. The valves at Palisades, which are used for extended periods
during shutdown cooling, exhibited about 112 inch of wear of the threaded
portion of the disc shaft (greater than the height of the disc nut).
Although the disc nuts had been worn away, none of the discs had separated
from its clapper arm because of the peening of the shafts to a larger
The ALOYCO check valves form the boundary between the LPSI and high-pressure
safety injection (HPSI) systems at Palisades. The abnormal wear of the
check, valves was discovered during modifications of the LPSI piping to add
leak-testing capability as required by NRC order, dated April 20, 1981, for
Event V valve configurations. This order required the licensee to perform
periodic leak-testing of check valves that form the interface between a
high-pressure system connected to the reactor coolant system (RCS) and a low
pressure system whose piping leads outside containment. Event V is defined
as the failure of two in-series check valves to function as a pressure
isolation barrier between a high-pressure system connected to the RCS and a
lower pressure system extending beyond containment. This failure could cause
an overpressurization and . rupture of the low-pressure system, which would
result in a LOCA that bypasses containment and simultaneously render
inoperable some of the equipment needed to mitigate a LOCA.
Problems With Pacific Valves:
During start-up testing at the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Unit 1,
Pennsylvania Power and Light reported three problems with Pacific check
valves: (1) disc assembly to body interference and excessive packing
friction, (2) excessive wear at hinge arm/disc stud interface, and (3) disc
stud breakage. The Pacific check valves are used in many non-safety systems
as well as the residual heat removal, reactor core isolation cooling, and
core spray systems.
IN 82-20
June 28, 1981
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1. Disc Assembly to Body Interference and Excessive Packing Friction
The interference problem was attributed to tolerance buildup by the
valve manufacturer. Undetected, a deficiency of this type could render
the valve unable to perform its safety function. The valves were
subsequently reworked at Susquehanna. The packing friction problem was
solved by changing packing type.
2. Excessive Wear at Hinge Arm/Disc Stud Interface
The excessive wear at the hinge arm/disc stud interface was identified
on non-safety related valves. The hinges and discs involved in the
excessive wear problem have been replaced in the safety related valves.
The licensee will re-inspect the safety related valves to confirm that
the modifications have been effective in reducing wear. These
inspections will be performed after the valves have operated for a
sufficient time period that wear might be expected.
3. Disc Stud Breakage
The problem with the fractured stud, which is an integral part of the
disc/stud casting, appears to be similar to a earlier failure of an
Anchor/Darling valve (50-298/77-18). Although these failures were
similar, the cause of the Susquehanna failures appears to be a
metallurgical problem that is limited to the Pacific valves in this
case. In the safety related valves, the licensee is replacing the CA15
discs with discs manufactured from A516 Grade 70 plate with a stud
fabricated from the same material threaded and welded to the disc. In
the RCIC and HPCI exhaust systems, the swing check valve is being
replaced by a lift check valve. The inherent damping action of this
type valve is believed by the licensee to make it more able to
withstand the erratic steam flow conditions.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Regional
Administrator of the appropriate NRC Regional Office, or this office.
E. L. Jordan, Director
Division of Engineering
and Quality Assurance
Technical Contact: M. S. Wegner
List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021