Removal of Accelerated Testing and Special Reporting Requirements for Emergency Diesel Generators (Generic Letter 94-01)

May 31, 1994



The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this generic letter to
advise licensees that they may request a license amendment to remove
accelerated testing and special reporting requirements for emergency diesel
generators (EDGs) from plant technical specifications (TS).  The NRC developed
this line-item TS improvement in response to the Commission decision on
SECY-93-044, "Resolution of Generic Safety Issue B-56, `Diesel Generator
Reliability'."  Enclosure 1 is the guidance on preparing the amendment request
and Enclosure 2 is the model TS for this change.

In Option 4 of SECY-93-044, the staff recommended that licensees adopt the
accelerated testing provisions of the improved Standard Technical
Specifications with an option to relocate accelerated testing requirements for
EDGs from the TS to the maintenance program after the maintenance rule goes
into effect.  However, after further consideration, the staff has concluded
that it is not necessary to await the effective date of the maintenance rule
to remove the associated TS requirements nor is it necessary to relocate
accelerated testing requirements to the maintenance program.  Licensees may
now implement the provisions of the maintenance rule for EDGs, including the
applicable regulatory guidance which will provide a program to assure EDG
performance.  Therefore, the requirements for accelerated testing of
individual EDGs would no longer exist.

Licensees may request the removal of the TS provisions for accelerated testing
and special reporting requirements for EDGs at this time.  However, when
requesting this license amendment, licensees must commit to implement within
90 days of the issuance of the license amendment a maintenance program for
monitoring and maintaining EDG performance consistent with the provisions of
Section 50.65 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR 50.65),
"Requirements for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power
Plants," and the guidance (as applicable to EDGs) of Regulatory Guide (RG)
1.160, "Monitoring the Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants."
The NRC staff developed RG 1.160 to provide guidance for complying with the
provisions of 10 CFR 50.65.

Some licensees do not have TS requirements for accelerated testing of EDGs and
reporting each EDG failure to the NRC, but may have made a docketed commitment
to such actions.  In such cases, licensees may request relief from a docketed
commitment for accelerated testing and special reporting requirements for


Generic Letter 94-01			- 2 -					May 31, 1994

EDGs.  Such requests should be made on the basis of implementation of the
provisions of the maintenance rule and associated regulatory guidance (as
applicable to EDGs) within 90 days of NRC granting relief from a docketed

Licensees that plan to adopt this line-item TS improvement are encouraged to
propose TS changes that are consistent with the enclosed guidance in
Enclosures 1 and 2.  Licensees that plan to request relief from a docketed
commitment to accelerated testing of EDGs and special reporting of EDG
failures are encouraged to propose such requests consistent with the guidance
in Enclosure 1.

Licensee action to propose TS changes or relief from a docketed commitment
under the guidance of this generic letter is voluntary.  Therefore, such
action is not a backfit under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.109.  As such, the
staff did not perform a backfit analysis.

The voluntary information collections contained in this request are covered by
the Office of Management and Budget clearance number 3150-0011, which expires
June 30, 1994.  The public reporting burden for this voluntary collection of
information is estimated to average 40 hours per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information.  Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect
of this voluntary collection of information, including suggestions for
reducing this burden, to the Information and Records Management Branch
(MNBB-7714), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, and
to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-3019,
(3150-0011), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503.

Compliance with the following request for information is voluntary.  The
information would assist NRC in evaluating the cost of complying with this
generic letter:

(1)the licensee staff time and costs to prepare the amendment request

(2)an estimate of the long-term costs or savings accruing from this TS change

.Generic Letter 94-01			- 3 -					May 31, 1994

If you have any questions about this matter, please contact one of the
technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation project manager.


                		original signed by

                		Luis A. Reyes
                		Acting Associate Director for Projects
                		Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

1.  Guidance on Preparing the Amendment Request
2.  Model TS for Change
3.  List of Recently Issued NRC Generic Letters

Technical contacts: Om Chopra, NRR
 					(301) 504-3265

 					Tom Dunning, NRR
 					(301) 504-1189
                                                    Enclosure 1



As part of the resolution of Generic Safety Issue (GSI) B-56, "Diesel
Generator Reliability," the staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) recommended Option 4 in SECY-93-044, "Resolution of Generic Safety Issue
B-56, `Diesel Generator Reliability'."  The Commission approved Option 4 on
March 25, 1993.  In Option 4, the NRC staff recommended (in part) that
licensees be allowed to voluntarily adopt the accelerated testing provisions
of the improved Standard Technical Specifications; and upon a determination
that the maintenance program conforms to the applicable guidance, the
accelerated testing requirements for the EDGs could be relocated from the TS
to the maintenance program when the maintenance rule goes into effect in 1996.
However, after further consideration, the staff has concluded that it is not
necessary to await the effective date of the maintenance rule to remove the
associated TS requirements nor is it necessary to relocate accelerated testing
requirements to the maintenance program.  Licensees may now implement the
provisions of the maintenance rule for EDGs, including the applicable
regulatory guidance, which will provide a program to assure EDG performance.
The elements of this program will include the performance of a detailed root
cause analysis of individual EDG failures, effective corrective actions taken
in response to individual EDG failures, and implementation of EDG preventive
maintenance consistent with the maintenance rule.

The staff has concluded that licensees may also propose TS changes to remove
special reporting requirements for EDGs from their plant TS.  Licensees may
also request relief from a docketed commitment for accelerated testing of EDGs
and reporting each EDG failure to the NRC.  Licensees would continue to comply
with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73 to notify NRC and report EDG
failures.  With this TS change or NRC relief from a docketed commitment to
such actions, requirements for accelerated testing of EDGs would no longer

The staff approval of this option would be contingent upon a commitment to
implement, within 90 days of a license amendment, or NRC granting relief from
a docketed commitment, a maintenance program for monitoring and maintaining
EDG performance in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.65,
"Requirements for Monitoring the Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power
Plants," and the guidance contained in Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.160,
"Monitoring the Effectiveness of Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants."  The
fulfillment of this commitment need not necessarily result in a new or
separate EDG maintenance program but rather could be implemented by
modification of existing maintenance program requirements that include EDGs.

.									- 2 -


The NRC staff developed RG 1.160 to provide flexibility for licensees to
structure their maintenance program based on the risk significance of the
structures, systems, and components that are within the scope of the
maintenance rule.  This guide endorses a Nuclear Utility Management and
Resources Council (NUMARC) guideline which gives methods acceptable to the
NRC staff for complying with the provisions of the maintenance rule (10 CFR

During the public comment period for this generic letter, the staff met with
the Advisory Committee for Reactor Safeguards (ACRS).  As a consequence of
continuing ACRS concerns on the use of trigger values, included in a NUMARC
guideline, the NRC staff will modify RG 1.160 by removing the language on
the use of trigger values for monitoring EDG performance.  However, the staff
intends to retain in RG 1.160 the discussion on NRC's expectations that
licensees would (1) establish performance criteria for both emergency diesel
generator reliability and unavailability, under paragraph (a)(2) of the
maintenance rule, (2) perform appropriate root cause determination and
corrective action following a single maintenance-preventable failure, and
(3) establish goals and monitor subsequent EDG performance under paragraph
(a)(1) of the maintenance rule if any performance criterion is not met or a
second EDG maintenance-preventable failure occurs.

In addition to the focus on paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of the maintenance rule
as addressed in the NRC's expectations on implementing the guidance of
RG 1.160, paragraph (a)(3) of the maintenance rule must also be met and
requires (in part) that licensees make adjustments where necessary to ensure
that the objective of preventing failures through maintenance is appropriately
balanced against the objective of minimizing unavailability due to monitoring
or preventive maintenance.

Therefore, a commitment to implement the maintenance rule consistent with the
guidance of RG 1.160 as applicable for EDGs is a commitment to (1) implement
the endorsed NUMARC guideline, 93-01, with the exception of the reference to
NUMARC 87-00 on the use of trigger values and (2) fulfill the NRC staff
expectations discussed in RG 1.160.   Should licensees wish to propose an
alternative to implementing the guidance of RG 1.160, to demonstrate
compliance with the maintenance rule for EDGs, the NRC staff will consider
such proposals.

The NRC staff finds that a commitment to implement a maintenance program for
monitoring and maintaining EDG performance in accordance with the provisions
of the maintenance rule and consistent with the guidance of RG 1.160 would
provide a basis for the staff to approve a licensee request to remove the 

.								- 3 -

accelerated testing and special reporting requirements for EDGs from their
plant TS.  This commitment would also provide the basis for the staff to
approve requests for relief from a docketed commitment to accelerated testing
of EDGs and reporting each EDG failure.  Licensees must commit to implementing
within 90 days of the issuance of the license amendment or commitment relief
the provisions of 10 CFR 50.65 and guidance of RG 1.160 for EDGs when
requesting the removal of the EDG accelerated testing and special reporting
requirements from their plant TS or docketed commitment.  The elimination of
accelerated testing requirements for EDGs closes the matter of triggers and
testing for "problem diesels."

Enclosure 2 includes model EDG technical specifications which address these
TS changes.

.                                                    Enclosure 2


Revisions to TS  (Changes are shown in bold typeface.)  Each diesel generator shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by:

1) through 7) no change.

(Removes the reference to TS Table 4.. for the test schedule.)

Revisions to Table  (Changes are shown in bold typeface.)


(Not used)

     (Removes accelerated testing requirements for EDG's which were based on
     the number of failures in the last 20 and 100 valid tests.)

Revisions to TS, "Reports"  (Changes are shown in bold typeface.)  Reports  (Not used)

(10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73 address the remaining regulatory requirements for
licensees to notify NRC and report individual EDG failures.)


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021