Distribution of Gems Irradiated in Research Reactors (Generic Letter No. 88-04)
February 23, 1988
On June 25, 1986, we notified you that research reactor licensees might be
irradiating and distributing products containing induced radioactivity to
unlicensed persons in violation of NRC regulations. We noted that 10 CFR
Section 30.14 prohibits introduction of byproduct material into a product
for distribution to an unlicensed person, unless the distributor has a
specific license issued pursuant to 10 CFR Section 32.11 which permits such
distribution. We also noted that due to a long-standing policy against
radioactive toys, novelties, and adornments, the staff has not granted
licenses for distribution of irradiated gems or similar materials.
Throughout 1986 and 1987, we have received numerous inquiries from licensees
and others, requesting that NRC take a definitive position with respect to
neutron-irradiated gems such as topaz. These persons reported that large
quantities of irradiated topaz are on the United States retail market from
both foreign and domestic sources. They requested that, in the interest of
fairness and consistency, as well as protection of the public health, NRC
expeditiously resolve the issue.
Applications will now be considered for interim licenses authorizing the
distribution of neutron-irradiated gems, particularly topaz, to unlicensed
persons pursuant to 10 CFR Section 32.11. The NRC will also develop a policy
which recognizes the existence of radiation doses and risks which are too
low to justify regulation to protect public health and safety. Based on this
policy, specific regulations will be developed for classes of radioactive
materials such as irradiated gems. The interim licenses, if granted, will
not be subject to the prohibition against distribution of products intended
for application to a human being. However, license applications must meet
the other requirements of 10 CFR Sections 32.11, 30.14, and 30.70. The
radioactivity concentration limit for any single radionuclide is given in
Schedule A of 10 CFR Section 30.70. The limit applicable for multiple
radionuclides may be calculated using the method specified in Note 2 of 10
CFR Section 30.70.
The interim licenses will authorize distribution of cut, finished gems only,
because the potential for occupational radiation exposures associated with
cutting and grinding gems is much higher than for normal consumer use.
License applications must describe the proposed methods for identification
and measurements of the radionuclides in the gems, and the quality control
procedures for assuring that all gems released to the public are below the
limits specified in 10 CFR Section 30.70.
Multiple Addresses -2-
The NRC staff is aware that neutron-irradiated topaz has been imported into
the United States which contains radioactivity above the limits specified in
10 CFR Sections 30.14 and 30.70. Accordingly, consistent with the
requirements of 10 CFR Section 32.11, the staff plans to control
distribution of irradiated gems at the source and, thus, envisions two
principal groups of applicants for distribution licenses, i.e., domestic
reactors and initial importers. Both groups will be subject to similar
regulatory requirements.
Those reactor licensees who are currently distributing, or intend to
distribute irradiated gemstones to unlicensed persons must obtain a license
which specifically authorizes this activity. Applications for distribution
licenses should be submitted with proper fee (see 10 CFR Part 170) to:
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety
Washington, DC 20555
Persons (such as secondary distributors and individual consumers) who
receive gems from an NRC-licensed distributor do not need a license. Only
the initial distributor in the United States must be licensed pursuant to 10
CFR Section 32.11.
This letter is for information only and does not require a response. Those
persons who are currently irradiating and/or distributing irradiated
gemstones should immediately contact the NRC Division of Industrial and
Medical Nuclear Safety to discuss current and planned activities so that a
determination can be made on the course of action that should be taken.
Questions concerning NRC distribution licenses may be directed to Michael
Lamastra (301-492-0639). Questions concerning non-power reactor licenses may
be directed to Lester Rubenstein (301-492-1118). Questions concerning
license fees may be directed to Glenda Jackson (301-492-8740).
Frank J. Miraglia, Associate Director
for Projects
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Richard E. Cunningham, Director
Division of Industrial and
Medical Nuclear Safety
Office of Nuclear Material
Safety and Safeguards
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021