Issuance of NRC Form 398 - Personal Qualifications Statement - Licensee (Generic Letter No. 83-12A)

                               UNITED STATES 
                          WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 

                               July 11, 1983 



Subject:  Issuance of NRC Form 398 - Personal Qualifications 
          Statement - Licensee (Generic Letter No. 83-12A) 

Generic Letter 83-12, subject as above, dated February 24, 1983 was sent 
recently to all power and non-power reactor licensees, enclosing NRC Form 
398 (1-83). However, both the form and the transmittal letter appeared to be
applicable only to the power reactor community. It was our intent that both 
types of facilities be included. This generic letter is intended to correct 
any misconceptions the previous letter may have caused. 

Even though Form 398 contains many questions that do not apply to operators 
at non-power reactors, please use that form, completing only those questions
that are clearly applicable, and explicitly indicate "not applicable" (NA) 
in the remainder. 

In the set of instructions for completing this form, Item No. 12 - TRAINING,
is not correct as applied to non-power reactor licensees. As you know, it is
currently NRC practice to use the criteria contained in ANSI/ANS-15.4(1977) 
N 380 for operators of non-power reactors, not those in ANSI/ANS 3.1 which 
apply only to commercial power reactors. Therefore, for Item No. 12, please 
follow the guidance provided in ANSI/ANS-15.4(1977). We intend to correct 
the instructions on this item in future revisions to Form 398. 

The remainder of the guidance in Generic Letter (83-12) is applicable to 
both non-power and power reactor licensees. 

You should begin using the new Form 398 within one month of the date of this


                                   Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director 
                                   Division of Licensing 

Enclosure : 
     NRC Form 398 Personal Qualifications Statement - Licensee

OMB Clearance Number 3150-0090 
(expires August 31, 1985) 


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021