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Bulletin 77-03:On-line Testing of the Westinghouse W Solid State Protection System (SSPS)

                          WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 

                                                  IE Bulletin 77-03 
                                                  Date: September 12, 1977 


Description of Circumstances: 

Westinghouse has recently reported that operation of the safeguards 
actuation block/reset circuitry is not being verified during the periodic 
semi-automatic logic testing of the Solid State Protection System as 
required by licensees technical specifications. Even though this portion of 
the logic system is tested prior to initial plant operation, circuit failure 
during operation is undetectable. Consequently, if any part of this 
circuitry fails, safety injection could not normally be reset and/or 
blocked. Resetting and blocking of safety injection signals are necessary 
for switchover to the recirculation mode of operation during accident 
conditions. The enclosed W Technical Bulletin NSD TB-77-11 was sent to 
affected Westinghouse plants notifying them of the problem and of the 
corrective action necessary to resolve the issue. The technical bulletin 
provides detailed information to augment established on-line test 
procedures. The method has been confirmed recently by successful 
verification tests of the WSSPS at both W Nuclear Instrumentation and 
Control Division (WNICD), Hunt Valley, Maryland, and North Anna Nuclear 

Action To Be Taken By Licensees and Permit Holders: 

For all W Power Reactor Facilities with an operating license or a 
Construction Permit: 

1.   If your facility utilizes or plans to utilize the WSSPS, describe what 
     action you have taken or plan to take to assure adequate periodic 
     testing of all portions of the system. Further information regarding 
     the necessary periodic testing procedures can be obtained from 
     Westinghouse Nuclear Energy Systems in Monroeville, Pa. 

                                                  IE Bulletin 77-03  
                                                  Date: September 12, 1977 

2.   Report to this office in writing within 45 days for facilities with an 
     operating license and within 60 days for facilities with a construction
     permit, your plan of action with regard to Item 1. 

Approval of NRC requirements for reports concerning possible generic 
problems has been obtained from the U. S. General Accounting Office. (GAO 
approval B-180225 (R0072, expires 7/31/80. 

1. Extract from W Technical 
     Bulletin NSD TB 77-11 Entitled: 
     Periodic Testing of Safety Injection 
     Reset Timing Circuit 
2. List of IE Bulletins Issued in 1977  

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021