Bulletin 75-04B: Cable Fire at Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Station
IE Bulletin No. 75-04B November 3, 1975
The review by the NRC of the consequences of the fire at the Browns Ferry
Nuclear Power Station is continuing. Reports of fire protection inspections
performed by groups or organizations other than the NRC and actions taken or
planned by licensees as a result of these other fire protection inspections
will be of particular value in this continuing review of the status of
operating, plants and determination of any actions which may be appropriate.
1. If fire protection inspections (other than those performed by NRC) have
been made at your licensed operating facilities since March 22, 1975,
please forward to this office, within 30 days:
a. A copy of all reports or any other documentation relating to the
fire protection inspections, dates of inspections and by whom
b. A description of any actions taken or planned - showing dates for
actions - as a result of findings or recommendations from the fire
protection inspections or, if appropriate, your position relative
to the results of the inspections performed.
2. If no fire protection inspections (other than those performed by NRC)
have been performed at your licensed operating facilities since March
22, 1975, please forward this office:
a. Within 15 days, your plans and schedules for the performance of
fire protection inspections at your licensed operating facilities
within the next year.
b. Within 30 days following completion of each of the inspections
planned (Item 2.a. above), (1) a copy of all reports or other
documentation relating to each fire protection inspection, dates
of inspections and by whom performed, and (2) a description of
actions taken or planned - showing dates for actions - as a result
of findings or recommendations from the inspections or, if
appropriate, your position relative to the results of the
inspections performed.
3. Provide directly to the Director, Division of Reactor Inspection
Programs, NRC, Washington, D. C. 20555, a copy of all information
submitted in response to this Bulletin.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021