Bulletin 74-013: Action Requested of Licensees


RO Bulletin No. 74-13 

Action Requested of Licensees 

It is requested that you review the use of GE Vulkene "600" cable in safety 
related breaker-starters of your facility(ies), and provide the following 
information to this office in writing within 60 days: 

1.   Where GE Vulkene "600" cables of the breaker-starters type described 
     above have been used in safety related breaker-starters of your 
     facility(ies), describe the action you have taken or plan to take to 
     insure against improper termination of these cables similar to that 
     described above. 

     Your written reply to this Bulletin should include a description of the
     number and location of any cables found to be improperly terminated, 
     together with the date corrective measures were, or will be, completed.

2.   If GE Vulkene "600" cables of the type breaker-starters described above
     have not been used - in safety related breaker-starters of your 
     facility(ies), your written response should indicate this to be the 

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021