Bulletin 74-011: Improper Wiring of Safety Injection Logic at Zion 1 & 2
OCT 16 1974
J. P. O'Reilly, Director, Region I
N. C. Moseley, Director, Region II
J. G. Keppler, Director, Region III
E. M. Howard, Director, Region IV
R. H. Engelken, Director, Region V
The subject Bulletin should be dispatched to Westinghouse - supplied PWR
facilities with operating licenses and construction permits by close of
business on October 17, 1974. The text of the Bulletin together with draft
letters to licensees is enclosed for this purpose.
J. G. Davis, Deputy Director
for Field Operations
Directorate of Regulatory Operations
As stated
cc: H. D. Thornburg, RO:HQ
J. L. Crews, RO:HQ
H. H. Brown, OGL
D. Thompson, OOE
Regional Coordinators
A. Giambusso, L
(Letter to all licensees of Westinghouse PWR's with operating licenses.)
The enclosed RO Bulletin requests actions by you with regard to your
Westinghouse - supplied pressurized water reactor (PWR) facility(ies) with
an operating license.
Should you have questions regarding this Bulletin or actions required of
you, please contact this office.
Regional Director
RO Bulletin 74-11
(Letter to all licensees of Westinghouse PWR's with construction permits.)
The enclosed RO Bulletin is sent to you for information and action as
applicable to your Westinghouse - supplied PWR facility(ies) under
construction. A written response to this Bulletin is not required of you,
however, prior to operation you should examine the safeguard logic and
safeguard logic testing procedures at your Westinghouse - supplied PWR
facility(ies) presently under construction to determine if conditions or the
potential for conditions similar to those described in this Bulletin exist
at your facility(ies). We will examine your actions in t response to this
Bulletin during subsequent inspections of your facility(ies).
Should you have questions regarding this Bulletin, please contact this
RO Bulletin 74-11
RO Bulletin 74-11 Date 10/16/74
A recent abnormal occurrence report by the Commonwealth Edison Company
described a design error in the wiring of the safety injection logic
circuitry at the Zion Generating Station. The licensee's evaluation revealed
serious inadequacies in the implementation of the quality assurance programs
for both construction and preoperational testing.
A. Description of Circumstances:
During a hot shutdown of Zion Unit 1, reactor Coolant Loop B was
isolated, reactor coolant pump 1B was secured and the B main steam
isolation valve (MSIV) was subsequently closed due to inoperability of
the MSIV closure circuit. The complete isolation of the steam generator
allowed the steam pressure to drop as the isolated loop cooled.
As the pressure in the isolated loop (B) dropped the differential
pressure between this loop and the three other Loops (A, C, & D)
reached a value causing bistables in the safety injection (SI) logic to
trip. The logic trips, however, resulted in "half trips" in the 2/3
logic on Loops A, C, & D rather than an SI trip on Loop B which should
have occurred.
Investigation by Commonwealth Edison personnel revealed that the input
signals to the dual comparators (514A/B, 534A/B, 515A/B, 525A/B, 516C/D
and 526C/D) were reversed, thus rendering this portion of the SI
initiation circuity inoperable. The wiring error had existed from the
time of plant construction, and had gone undetected during functional
testing by the supplier, Westinghouse, and preoperational testing by
the licensee. The Zion Unit 2 was found to have a similar wiring
The licensee found that the preoperational testing procedures were
inadequate to detect the miswiring because the logic testing was done
in parts similar to the component test done at the factory. A test that
includes the entire logic train from process sensor inputs to final
logic output was not performed. Westinghouse agreed to provide
guidelines from which the licensee could establish a more meaningful
and comprehensive functional test to check systems following
Corrective actions by the licensee included revising the applicable
circuit drawings, modifying the circuit wiring, and functionally
testing the modified circuits at both Units 1 & 2. The functional
testing included bistable actuation, status light verification and
simulated differential pressure conditions for safety injection. Other
similar circuits at the Zion station were examined and no other
deficiencies were identified.
B. Action Requested of Licensees:
It is requested that you examine the safeguard logic and the methods
employed to verify that the as-built safeguard circuitry is in
agreement with the safeguard logic design at your Westinghouse -
supplied PWR facility(ies) with operating license to determine if
similar circumstances or the potential for circumstances similar to
those described above exist at your facility(ies), and provide to this
office in writing within 30 days the following:
1. If your findings indicate that circumstances or the potential for
circumstances similar to those described above exist at your
facility(ies), describe the corrective actions which you have
taken or plan to take, together with the date these actions were
or will be completed.
2. If your findings indicate that circumstances or the potential for
circumstances similar to those described above do not exist at
your facility(ies), a report stating this finding is requested.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021