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Bulletin 74-002: Truck Strike Possibility


                              UNITED STATES 
                         ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION 
                          WASHINGTON, D.C. 20545 

                             January 22, 1974 

J. P. O'Reilly, Director, Region I 
N. C. Moseley, Director, Region II 
J. G. Keppler, Director, Region III 
E. M. Howard, Director, Region IV 
R. H. Engelken, Director, Region V 


Please dispatch the enclosed Bulletin to those licensees on the attached 
list which are located in your Region. Also, send copies of the Bulletin to 
all operating reactors and those reactors which may receive fuel for loading
within the next six months. 

At this time there is no indication that the truck strike will gain great 
momentum, but we understand that some incidents of a minor nature have 
occurred in Ohio. 

                                        John G. Davis, Deputy Director  
                                             for Field Operations 
                                        Directorate of Regulatory Operations 

1. RO Bulletin No. 74-2 
2. Attached List of Licensees 

cc:  D.F. Knuth, RO 
     B.H. Grier, RO 
     A. Giambusso, L 
     J. Hendrie, L 
     P.A. Morris 
     W. Brobst, Op. Safety 
     L. Brenner, NMS 
     J. Powers, RS 
     G. Page, L 
     P. Gaughran, Sec. Div. 
     J. Becker, OGC 
     J. Murray, OGC 
     L. Reeder 
     A. Grella, DOT  


Enclosed, as RO Bulletin 74-2, is information concerning a possible truck 
strike that may influence your shipment of special nuclear material. Please 
note that should the strike occur and should you have special nuclear 
material shipments routed through the strike area, a report is requested of 


                                   Regional Director  

                                                  January 23, 1974 
                                                  Directorate of Regulatory 
                                                  Operations Bulletin 74-2 


It has come to the attention of the Atomic Energy Commission that a truck 
strike may develop during the period of January 24-31, 1974. Preliminary f 
information indicates that if the strike occurs it will probably be 
localized in the northern Ohio and western Pennsylvania areas. It is 
doubtful that the strike will be nation-wide. There is a possibility of 
isolated incidents. In view of the foregoing and your obligation to 
safeguard special nuclear material subject to the requirements of 10 CFR 
Part 73, you are requested to consider the consequences of this possible 
strike in scheduling truck shipments of SNM in quantities of 5 kilograms of 
contained uranium-235 or 2 kilograms of plutonium and/or uranium-233 for 
delivery during the duration of the strike.  

Possible actions on your part to reduce the impact of any such strike on 
safeguarding of SNM include: (1) delay truck shipments until the strike 
period is over; (2) route shipments to avoid the strike area; (3) use other 
modes of transportation when available; (4) if shipment is already in 
transit and it cannot be routed to avoid the strike area, place shipment in 
storage and keep under surveillance for the duration of the strike. 

If the strike does occur and you have truck shipments routed through the 
strike areas, please advise us by telephone, confirmed in writing within 24 
hours, of your shipping plans and any preventive actions you may take.  


                                        Regional Director 

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021