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Bulletin 73-03: Wisconsin Electric Power Company

                                                             IEB 73-03

                                 UNITED STATES
                           ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION
                                  REGION III
                              799 ROOSEVELT ROAD
                          GLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS 60137

                                        July 27, 1973

Wisconsin Electric Power Company                           Docket No. 50-266
Wisconsin Michigan Power Company                           Docket No. 50-301
ATTN:  Mr. Sol Burstein
       Senior Vice President
         Power Plants
231 West Michigan
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203


This is in confirmation of our telephone conversation of July 27, 1973, with
you concerning Bergen-Pattersonhydraulic shock suppressors and restraints.

The enclosed Regulatory Operations Bulletin No. 73-3 is sent to you to request
specific action of you concerning hydraulic shock suppressors and restraints. 
This may relate to potential defective suppressors and restraints within your

If you have any questions concerning this request, please contact this office.


                                          Boyce H. Grier
                                          Regional Director

RO Bulletin 73-3

                                                   July 27, 1973
                                                   Directorate of Regulatory
                                                   Operations Bulletin 73-3


Information contained in an abnormal occurrence report from the Millstone 1
reactor, supplemented by additional information obtained by Regulatory
Operations from other licensees, revealed that 51 of 112 hydraulic shock
suppressors and restraints inspected were defective due to loss of hydraulic
oil supply.  These suppressors and restraints were manufactured by the
Bergen-Patterson Company.  

In the light of this information you are requested to take the following
specific actions:

A.  Determine whether Bergen-Patterson hydraulic shock suppressors and
restraints are utilized in safety systems within your facility.  Report the
results of this determination to this office by noon, Monday, July 30, 1973.

B.  If Bergen-Patterson suppressors and restraints are utilized in such

1.  Inspect prior to noon, July 30, 1973, each suppressor and restraint for
proper hydraulic fluid level.

2.  Report by telephone to this office by noon, Monday, July 30, 1973 the
results of your actions to show:

a.  Number of suppressors and restraints installed in safety related systems.

b.  Number inspected.

c.  Number defective by model number and location of installation and failure

d.  Confirmation of operability of defective suppressors and restraints.  If
repairs are not completed, your justification for continuing operation of your
plant and your schedule for completion of repairs.

e.  Existing or planned surveillance schedule for suppressors and restraints.

-                                      2 -

3.  For plants with existing surveillance of suppressors and restraints, if
your inspection has been performed within the last 30 days and there is no
history of defective suppressors and restraints or if all were repaired, this
request for inspection prior to noon July 30, 1973, does not apply.

C.  Reports made in response to A and B, above, should be confirmed in writing
within 10 days.
 D.  For facilities with no Bergen-Patterson suppressors and restraints or
with existing surveillance inspections of suppressors and restraints:

1.  At the next reactor shutdown, inspect all hydraulic suppressors and
restraints in safety related systems.  Inform this office of your schedule for
this inspection by noon, July 30, 1973.

2.  When the inspection is performed, if defective suppressors and restraints
are identified, the results of your inspection should be reported immediately
by telephone to this office and confirmed in writing within 10 days.  This
report should include:

a.  Number of suppressors and restraints inspected, identified by

b.  Number of defective suppressors and restraints.

c.  For each defective suppressor and restraint report:

(1) manufacturer
(2) model number
(3) location of installation
(4) failure mode

d.  Confirmation of operability of defective suppressor and restraints.  If
repairs are not completed, your justification for operation of your plant and
your schedule for completion of repairs.

e.  Surveillance schedule.

3.  If no defective suppressors and restraints are identified, a report should
be submitted within 10 days of completion of the inspection to show the number
of suppressors and restraints inspected identified by manufacturer and mode


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021