Access to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bulletin Board Systems

                                 UNITED STATES
                         NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
                         WASHINGTON, D.C.  20555-0001

                                 June 29, 1995

                                              COMMISSION BULLETIN BOARD


All NRC licensees.


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this administrative
letter (AL) revision to give addressees updated information concerning the
availability of NRC bulletin board systems (BBSs).  This AL does not transmit
or imply any new or changed requirements or staff positions.  No specific
action or written response is required.


The NRC issued AL 94-13, "Access to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bulletin
Board Systems," on September 13, 1994, to inform addressees of the
availability of NRC BBSs containing the Standard Technical Specifications, NRC
generic communications, and files on several other subjects.  Because of
continuing efforts to make information more readily available to the public,
NRC made a number of improvements and additions to NRC BBSs in the intervening


The NRC operates several subsystems on the Federal Government Fedworld BBS,
operated by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS).  The names of
the NRC subsystems on Fedworld, the information they contain, and their
associated NRC contacts are presented in Attachment 1.  The NRC also operates
some stand-alone systems (i.e., not on, but accessible from, Fedworld).  The
names of these systems, the information they contain, and their associated NRC
contacts are shown in Attachment 2.  Information on accessing the various
systems is given in Attachment 3.  Except for the Bibliographic Retrieval
System, new users for each system establish their own password when they first
log on to the system.  Information on how to obtain a password for the
Bibliographic Retrieval System is given in Attachment 3.

Users who access any of these systems through a modem should set their
communications parameters as follows:

    bits/character       - 8
    parity               - N
    number of stop bits  - 1
    full duplex

9506280062                                                       AL 94-13, Rev. 1
                                                      June 29, 1995
                                                      Page 2 of 2

Users should know (1) the protocol their telecommunications software will use
for downloading files and (2) the command(s) necessary to initiate a file
transfer using their software.  

Although every effort is made to ensure that the information on each BBS is
accurate, documents obtained from the BBSs are not considered official
documents.  Every user explicitly acknowledges that all information obtained
from the BBSs is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and that the entire risk
of acting on information obtained from the BBSs, including the entire cost of
all necessary remedies, is with those who choose to act on such information
and not with the operators of the BBSs.

This administrative letter requires no specific action or written response. 
If you have any questions about this letter, please contact one of the
contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
(NRR) project manager.


                                    Brian K. Grimes, Director
                                    Division of Project Support
                                    Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Contacts:  Andrew J. Kugler, NRR
           (301) 415-2828

           Kevin Ramsey, NMSS
           (301) 415-7887

1.  NRC Subsystems on Fedworld
2.  NRC Stand-Alone Systems
3.  Access to the Bulletin Board Systems
4.  List of Recently Issued NRC Administrative Letters

                                                       Attachment 1
                                                      AL 94-13, Rev. 1
                                                      June 29, 1995
                                                      Page 1 of 1

                          NRC SUBSYSTEMS ON FEDWORLD

      SYSTEM                  CONTENTS CONTACT/PHONE/
Rulemaking NRC rulemakings in progress plus draft
NUREG-series documents and regulatory guides
and the opportunity to provide comments Christine Daily
(301) 415-6026
Carol Gallagher
(301) 415-5905
CAG@NRC.GOV Public Petitions Status of pending petitions under
10 CFR 2.206 Thomas Dunning
(301) 415-1189
TGD@NRC.GOV Enforcement
Program Information on the NRC enforcement program
and the opportunity to provide comments Thomas Dunning
(301) 415-1189
TGD@NRC.GOV Health Physics NRC staff positions on regulatory
requirements and guidance for radiation
protection Daniel Carter
(301) 415-1848
Communications NRC bulletins, generic letters, information
notices, administrative letters, and
circulars from 1971 to the present Andrew Kugler
(301) 415-2828
AJK1@NRC.GOV Public Document
Room Bulletin
Board Unclassified documents related to NRC
licensing and rulemaking activities
including Commission meetings, advisory
committee meetings, and licensing board
hearings M. Kim Basile
(202) 634-3381
MKB@NRC.GOV Press Releases,
News, New
Information, and
Updates NRC press releases, speeches, and other
items of interest for the last two weeks Gladys Ordaz
(301) 415-8200
GMO@NRC.GOV                                                       Attachment 2
                                                      AL 94-13, Rev. 1
                                                      June 29, 1995
                                                      Page 1 of 1

                            NRC STAND-ALONE SYSTEMS

      SYSTEM                  CONTENTS CONTACT/PHONE/
INTERNET ADDRESS Tech Specs Plus Improved standard technical specifications
for each of the power reactor vendors, NRC
Inspection Manual, licensee reports of
events pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72, NRC daily
reports, and other information Thomas Dunning
(301) 415-1189
TGD@NRC.GOV Public Meeting
Notice System Upcoming staff meetings that are open to the
public; does not include Commission
meetings, advisory committee meetings, or
licensing board hearings (see the Public
Document Room Bulletin Board) Jona Souder
(301) 415-7170
JLS3@NRC.GOV Bibliographic
Retrieval System Searchable records of documents that are
available through the NRC Public Document
Room with full text of selected documents
and comprehensive descriptive citations M. Kim Basile
(202) 634-3381
MKB@NRC.GOV                                                       Attachment 3
                                                      AL 94-13, Rev. 1
                                                      June 29, 1995
                                                      Page 1 of 1


   Bulletin Board System                      Access Method(s) Fedworld

Fedworld Help Desk 1. Modem (703) 321-3339 for all parts of Fedworld
2. Modem (800) 303-9672 for NRC systems only
3. Telenet access via Internet - FEDWORLD.GOV
4. File transfer protocol (FTP) site access via Internet -
5. World wide web (home page) - WWW.FEDWORLD.GOV
1. Voice (703) 487-4608
2. E-mail through Internet - HELPDESK@FEDWORLD.GOV Enhanced Participatory
Rulemaking From the NRC Main Menu on Fedworld, select (C) Public Petitions From the NRC Main Menu on Fedworld, select (O) to reach the
NRC Subsystems Menu, then select (A) Enforcement Program From the NRC Main Menu on Fedworld, select (O) to reach the
NRC Subsystems Menu, then select (B) Health Physics From the NRC Main Menu on Fedworld, select (O) to reach the
NRC Subsystems Menu, then select (C) Generic Communications From the NRC Main Menu on Fedworld, select (O) to reach the
NRC Subsystems Menu, then select (D) Public Document Room
Bulletin Board From the NRC Main Menu on Fedworld, select (O) to reach the
NRC Subsystems Menu, then select (E) Press Releases, News, New
Information, and Updates From the NRC Main Menu on Fedworld, select (N) Tech Specs Plus 1. From the NRC Main Menu on Fedworld, select (D) to reach
   the Gateway Menu, then select (A)
2. Direct access (not Fedworld) by modem (800) 679-57841
3. Direct access (not Fedworld) by modem (301) 415-1178 Public Meeting Notice
System 1. From the NRC Main Menu on Fedworld, select (D) to reach
   the Gateway Menu, then select (B)
2. Direct access (not Fedworld) by modem (800) 952-96761
3. Direct access (not Fedworld) by modem (301) 415-5088 Bibliographic Retrieval
System  1. From the NRC Main Menu on Fedworld, select (D) to reach
   the Gateway Menu, then select (C)
2. Direct access (not Fedworld) by modem (800) 270-27871
3. Direct access (not Fedworld) by modem (202) 634-1421

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021