Combined Index of Related Commission Documents for 2023

SECY Number Description SECY Paper SRM CVR Transcript
SECY-23-0108 Weekly Information Report Week Ending December 22, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0107 Weekly Information Report Week Ending December 15, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0106 Weekly Information Report Week Ending December 08, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0103 Summary of Staff Biennial Review and Findings of the 2023 Decommissioning Funding Status Reports from Operating and Decommissioning Power Reactor Licensees HTML Icon      
SECY-23-0102 Weekly Information Report Week Ending December 1, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0101 Weekly Information Report Week Ending November 24, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0100 Weekly Information Report Week Ending November 17, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0099 Weekly Information Report Week Ending November 10, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0098 Status of The Decommissioning Program - 2023 Annual Report HTML Icon      
SECY-23-0095 Recommendation to Discontinue the Mississippi Agreement State Program's Probationary Period HTML Icon PDF Icon HTML Icon  
SECY-23-0094 Weekly Information Report Week Ending November 3, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0093 Weekly Information Report Week Ending October 27, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0092 Annual Update on Activities to Modernize the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Digital Instrumentation and Controls Regulatory Infrastructure and License Amendment Requests PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0090 Weekly Information Report Week Ending October 20, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0089 Weekly Information Report Week Ending October 13, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0087 Weekly Information Report Week Ending October 6, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0086 Weekly Information Report Week Ending September 29, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0085 Weekly Information Report Week Ending September 22, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0084 Weekly Information Report Week Ending September 15, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0081 Weekly Information Report Week Ending September 8, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0080 Environmental Review Approach for the Kairos Power, LLC Hermes 2 Construction Permit Application HTML Icon      
SECY-23-0079 Weekly Information Report Week Ending September 1, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0078 Weekly Information Report Week Ending August 25, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0077 Annual Report on the Review Activities of the Committee to Review Generic Requirements HTML Icon      
SECY-23-0076 Weekly Information Report Week Ending August 18, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0075 Wyoming's Proposal to Amend the Existing Agreement to Regulate the Processing of Source Material to Extract Mineral Resources Other Than the Uranium or Thorium Content PDF Icon PDF Icon HTML Icon  
SECY-23-0074 Staff's Statement in Support of the Uncontested Hearing for Issuance of a Construction Permit for the Kairos Hermes Test Reactor PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0073 Weekly Information Report Week Ending August 11, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0072 Final Agency Decision to Implement the Flexible Work Model PDF Icon PDF IconFinal HTML Icon  
PDF IconPolling Results
SECY-23-0069 Weekly Information Report Week Ending August 4, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0068 Evaluation of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Process for Selecting Reasonable Alternatives for National Environmental Policy Act Reviews HTML Icon      
SECY-23-0067 Weekly Information Report Week Ending July 28, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0065 Weekly Information Report Week Ending July 21, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0063 Weekly Information Report Week Ending July 14, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0062 Proposed Rule: Decommissioning Financial Assurance for Sealed and Unsealed Radioactive Materials (3150-AK52; NRC-2017-0031) HTML Icon      
SECY-23-0061 Clarification Of The Staff’s Position On Certain American Society Of Mechanical Engineers Code Alternatives For More Than One 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval Under Title 10 Of The Code Of Federal Regulations 50.55a PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0060 Weekly Information Report Week Ending July 7, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0059 Weekly Information Report Week Ending June 30, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0058 Request by the State of New York to Discontinue Authority to Evaluate and Approve Sealed Source and Device Applications HTML Icon PDF Icon HTML Icon  
SECY-23-0057 Weekly Information Report Week Ending June 23, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0056 Weekly Information Report Week Ending June 16, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0055 Options for Licensing Emerging Technologies Used for Remediation of Mine Waste PDF Icon   PDF IconCaputo
PDF IconWright
SECY-23-0054 Weekly Information Report Week Ending June 9, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0051 Weekly Information Report Week Ending June 2, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0050 Weekly Information Report Week Ending May 26, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0049 Weekly Information Report Week Ending May 19, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0048 Vision for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Advanced Reactor Construction Oversight Program PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0045 Weekly Information Report Week Ending May 12, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0043 Request by Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC for Exemptions from Certain Emergency Planning Requirements for Palisades Nuclear Plant HTML Icon PDF Icon HTML Icon  
SECY-23-0041 Weekly Information Report Week Ending May 5, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0040 Weekly Information Report Week Ending April 28, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0039 Management Directive 8.2, “NRC Incident Response Program” and Incident Response Manual Chapter 200, “Incident Response Plan” HTML Icon      
SECY-23-0037 Weekly Information Report Week Ending April 21, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0036 Annual Report to the Commission on Licensee Performance in the Nuclear Materials and Waste Safety Program for Fiscal Year 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0035 Weekly Information Report Week Ending April 14, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0034 Weekly Information Report Week Ending April 7, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0033 Interim Enforcement Policy for Dispositioning 10 CFR Part 37 Violations with Respect to Large Components or Robust Structures Containing Category 1 or Category 2 Quantities of Radioactive Material at Power Reactor Facilities HTML Icon HTML Icon HTML Icon  
SECY-23-0032 Reactor Oversight Process Self-Assessment for Calendar Year 2022 HTML Icon      
SECY-23-0031 Weekly Information Report Week Ending March 31, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0030 Weekly Information Report Week Ending March 24, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0029 Rulemaking Plan for the Implementation of Changes to Reflect Advanced Reactor Export Licensing Considerations HTML Icon PDF Icon HTML Icon  
SECY-23-0028 Weekly Information Report Week Ending March 17, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0027 Weekly Information Report Week Ending March 10, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0024 Weekly Information Report Week Ending March 3, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0023 Weekly Information Report Week Ending February 24, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0022 Advanced Reactor Program Status HTML Icon      
SECY-23-0021 Proposed Rule: Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors (RIN 3150-AK31) HTML Icon HTML Icon HTML Icon  
SECY-23-0020 Proposed Rule: Cost Benefit Analysis for Power Reactor Radwaste Systems (RIN 3150-AK75; NRC-2022-0048) HTML Icon      
SECY-23-0019 Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences - Fiscal Year 2022 HTML Icon HTML Icon HTML Icon  
SECY-23-0017 Weekly Information Report Week Ending February 17, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0016 Appendices K and L to NUREG/BR-0058, Revision 5, "Regulatory Analysis Guidelines of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission" HTML Icon PDF Icon    
SECY-23-0015 Weekly Information Report Week Ending February 10, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0013 Weekly Information Report Week Ending February 03, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0012 Weekly Information Report Week Ending January 27, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0011 2023 Implementation Plan Update for the Radiation Source Protection and Security Task Force Report HTML Icon      
SECY-23-0010 Recommendation for Approval to Retire the Reactor Oversight Process Performance Indicator for Licensee Alert and Notification System Availability and to Develop a Performance Indicator for Emergency Response Facility and Equipment Readiness HTML Icon PDF Icon HTML Icon  
SECY-23-0009 Weekly Information Report Week Ending January 20, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0008 Agency-Level Objectives and Key Results for Calendar Year 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0007 Annual Report on Court Litigation (Calendar Year 2022) HTML Icon      
SECY-23-0005 Weekly Information Report Week Ending January 13, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0004 Weekly Information Report Week Ending January 6, 2023 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0002 Weekly Information Report Week Ending December 30, 2022 PDF Icon      
SECY-23-0001 Options for Licensing and Regulating Fusion Energy Systems HTML Icon PDF Icon HTML Icon  
COMSECY-23-0016 Renewal of Advisory Committee on The Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI) Charter HTML Icon PDF Icon HTML Icon  
COMSECY-23-0008 Request to Solicit for the Appointment of Two New Members on the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards HTML Icon PDF Icon HTML Icon  
COMDAW-23-0001/COMAXC-23-0002 Measuring NRC Success PDF Icon      
COMJMB-23-0001 Establishing Commission Expectations for the Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Timeliness of New Reactor Reviews PDF Icon   PDF IconCrowell  
COMAXC-23-0001 Enabling the Mission - A Measured Approach to the Future of Work PDF Icon PDF Icon HTML Icon