Agency |
CFR Title, Subtitle or
Chapter |
Administrative Conference of the United States |
1, III |
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation |
36, VIII |
Advocacy and Outreach, Office of |
7, XXV |
Afghanistan Reconstruction, Special Inspector General for |
African Development Foundation |
22, XV |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 57 |
Agency for International Development |
2, VII; 22, II |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 7 |
Agricultural Marketing Service |
7, I, VIII, IX, X, XI; 9, II |
Agricultural Research Service |
7, V |
Agriculture, Department of |
2, IV; 5, LXXIII |
Advocacy and Outreach, Office of |
7, XXV |
Agricultural Marketing Service |
7, I, VIII, IX, X, XI; 9, II |
Agricultural Research Service |
7, V |
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service |
7, III; 9, I |
Chief Financial Officer, Office of |
7, XXX |
Commodity Credit Corporation |
7, XIV |
Economic Research Service |
Energy Policy and New Uses, Office of |
2, IX; 7, XXIX |
Environmental Quality, Office of |
7, XXXI |
Farm Service Agency |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 4 |
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation |
7, IV |
Food and Nutrition Service |
7, II |
Food Safety and Inspection Service |
9, III |
Foreign Agricultural Service |
7, XV |
Forest Service |
36, II |
Information Resources Management, Office of |
7, XXVII |
Inspector General, Office of |
7, XXVI |
National Agricultural Library |
7, XLI |
National Agricultural Statistics Service |
7, XXXVI |
National Institute of Food and Agriculture |
7, XXXIV |
Natural Resources Conservation Service |
7, VI |
Operations, Office of |
Procurement and Property Management, Office of |
7, XXXII |
Rural Business-Cooperative Service |
Rural Development Administration |
7, XLII |
Rural Housing Service |
Rural Utilities Service |
Secretary of Agriculture, Office of |
7, Subtitle A |
Transportation, Office of |
World Agricultural Outlook Board |
Air Force, Department of |
32, VII |
Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement |
48, 53 |
Air Transportation Stabilization Board |
14, VI |
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau |
27, I |
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Bureau of |
27, II |
49, VII |
American Battle Monuments Commission |
36, IV |
American Indians, Office of the Special Trustee |
25, VII |
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service |
7, III; 9, I |
Appalachian Regional Commission |
5, IX |
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board |
36, XI |
Arctic Research Commission |
45, XXIII |
Armed Forces Retirement Home |
5, XI; 38, II |
Army, Department of |
32, V |
Engineers, Corps of |
33, II; 36, III |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 51 |
Benefits Review Board |
20, VII |
Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, Office of |
34, V |
Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase from People Who Are |
41, 51 |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 19 |
Career, Technical, and Adult Education, Office of |
34, IV |
Census Bureau |
15, I |
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
42, IV |
Central Intelligence Agency |
32, XIX |
Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board |
40, VI |
Chief Financial Officer, Office of |
7, XXX |
Child Support Enforcement, Office of |
45, III |
Children and Families, Administration for |
45, II, III, IV, X, XIII |
Civil Rights, Commission on |
5, LXVIII; 45, VII |
Civil Rights, Office for |
34, I |
Coast Guard |
33, I; 46, I; 49, IV |
Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage) |
46, III |
Commerce, Department of |
2, XIII; 44, IV; 50, VI |
Census Bureau |
15, I |
Economic Affairs, Office of the Under-Secretary for |
15, XV |
Economic Analysis, Bureau of |
15, VIII |
Economic Development Administration |
13, III |
Emergency Management and Assistance |
44, IV |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 13 |
Foreign-Trade Zones Board |
15, IV |
Industry and Security, Bureau of |
15, VII |
International Trade Administration |
15, III; 19, III |
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
15, II; 37, IV |
National Marine Fisheries Service |
50, II, IV |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
15, IX; 50, II, III, IV, VI |
National Technical Information Service |
15, XI |
National Telecommunications and Information Administration |
15, XXIII; 47, III, IV |
National Weather Service |
15, IX |
Patent and Trademark Office, United States |
37, I |
Secretary of Commerce, Office of |
15, Subtitle A |
Commercial Space Transportation |
14, III |
Commodity Credit Corporation |
7, XIV |
Commodity Futures Trading Commission |
5, XLI; 17, I |
Community Planning and Development, Office of Assistant Secretary for |
24, V, VI |
Community Services, Office of |
45, X |
Comptroller of the Currency |
12, I |
Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission |
29, IX |
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau |
5, LXXXIV; 12, X |
Consumer Product Safety Commission |
5, LXXI; 16, II |
Copyright Royalty Board |
37, III |
Corporation for National and Community Service |
2, XXII; 45, XII, XXV |
Cost Accounting Standards Board |
48, 99 |
Council on Environmental Quality |
40, V |
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency |
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia |
5, LXX; 28, VIII |
Customs and Border Protection |
19, I |
Defense, Department of |
2, XI; 5, XXVI; 32, Subtitle A; 40, VII |
Advanced Research Projects Agency |
32, I |
Air Force Department |
32, VII |
Army Department |
32, V; 33, II; 36, III; 48, 51 |
Defense Acquisition Regulations System |
48, 2 |
Defense Intelligence Agency |
32, I |
Defense Logistics Agency |
32, I, XII; 48, 54 |
Engineers, Corps of |
33, II; 36, III |
National Imagery and Mapping Agency |
32, I |
Navy, Department of |
32, VI; 48, 52 |
Secretary of Defense, Office of |
2, XI; 32, I |
Defense Contract Audit Agency |
32, I |
Defense Intelligence Agency |
32, I |
Defense Logistics Agency |
32, XII; 48, 54 |
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board |
10, XVII |
Delaware River Basin Commission |
18, III |
Denali Commission |
45, IX |
Disability, National Council on |
5, C; 34, XII |
District of Columbia, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the |
5, LXX; 28, VIII |
Drug Enforcement Administration |
21, II |
East-West Foreign Trade Board |
15, XIII |
Economic Affairs, Office of the Under-Secretary for |
15, XV |
Economic Analysis, Bureau of |
15, VIII |
Economic Development Administration |
13, III |
Economic Research Service |
Education, Department of |
2, XXXIV; 5, LIII |
Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, Office of |
34, V |
Career, Technical, and Adult Education, Office of |
34, IV |
Civil Rights, Office for |
34, I |
Educational Research and Improvement, Office of |
34, VII |
Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of |
34, II |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 34 |
Postsecondary Education, Office of |
34, VI |
Secretary of Education, Office of |
34, Subtitle A |
Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of |
34, III |
Educational Research and Improvement, Office of |
34, VII |
Election Assistance Commission |
2, LVIII; 11, II |
Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of |
34, II |
Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board |
13, V |
Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board |
13, IV |
Employee Benefits Security Administration |
29, XXV |
Employees' Compensation Appeals Board |
20, IV |
Employees Loyalty Board |
5, V |
Employment and Training Administration |
20, V |
Employment Policy, National Commission for |
1, IV |
Employment Standards Administration |
20, VI |
Endangered Species Committee |
50, IV |
Energy, Department of |
2, IX; 5, XXIII; 10, II, III, X |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 9 |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission |
5, XXIV; 18, I |
Property Management Regulations |
41, 109 |
Energy, Office of |
7, XXIX |
Engineers, Corps of |
33, II; 36, III |
Engraving and Printing, Bureau of |
31, VI |
Environmental Protection Agency |
2, XV; 5, LIV; 40, I, IV, VII |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 15 |
Property Management Regulations |
41, 115 |
Environmental Quality, Office of |
7, XXXI |
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
5, LXII; 29, XIV |
Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant Secretary for |
24, I |
Executive Office of the President |
3, I |
Environmental Quality, Council on |
40, V |
Management and Budget, Office of |
2, Subtitle A; 5, III, LXXVII; 14, VI; 48, 99 |
National Drug Control Policy, Office of |
2, XXXVI; 21, III |
National Security Council |
32, XXI; 47, II |
Presidential Documents |
3 |
Science and Technology Policy, Office of |
32, XXIV; 47, II |
Trade Representative, Office of the United States |
15, XX |
Export-Import Bank of the United States |
2, XXXV; 5, LII; 12, IV |
Family Assistance, Office of |
45, II |
Farm Credit Administration |
5, XXXI; 12, VI |
Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation |
5, XXX; 12, XIV |
Farm Service Agency |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 1 |
Federal Aviation Administration |
14, I |
Commercial Space Transportation |
14, III |
Federal Claims Collection Standards |
31, IX |
Federal Communications Commission |
5, XXIX; 47, I |
Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office of |
41, 60 |
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation |
7, IV |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
5, XXII; 12, III |
Federal Election Commission |
5, XXXVII; 11, I |
Federal Emergency Management Agency |
44, I |
Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 21 |
Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation |
48, 16 |
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission |
5, XXIV; 18, I |
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council |
12, XI |
Federal Financing Bank |
12, VIII |
Federal Highway Administration |
23, I, II |
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation |
1, IV |
Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office |
12, XVII |
Federal Housing Finance Agency |
5, LXXX; 12, XII |
Federal Labor Relations Authority |
5, XIV, XLIX; 22, XIV |
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center |
31, VII |
Federal Management Regulation |
41, 102 |
Federal Maritime Commission |
46, IV |
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service |
29, XII |
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission |
5, LXXIV; 29, XXVII |
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration |
49, III |
Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council |
40, IX |
Federal Prison Industries, Inc. |
28, III |
Federal Procurement Policy Office |
48, 99 |
Federal Property Management Regulations |
41, 101 |
Federal Railroad Administration |
49, II |
Federal Register, Administrative Committee of |
1, I |
Federal Register, Office of |
1, II |
Federal Reserve System |
12, II |
Board of Governors |
5, LVIII |
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board |
5, VI, LXXVI |
Federal Service Impasses Panel |
5, XIV |
Federal Trade Commission |
5, XLVII; 16, I |
Federal Transit Administration |
49, VI |
Federal Travel Regulation System |
41, Subtitle F |
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network |
31, X |
Financial Research Office |
12, XVI |
Financial Stability Oversight Council |
12, XIII |
Fine Arts, Commission of |
45, XXI |
Fiscal Service |
31, II |
Fish and Wildlife Service, United States |
50, I, IV |
Food and Drug Administration |
21, I |
Food and Nutrition Service |
7, II |
Food Safety and Inspection Service |
9, III |
Foreign Agricultural Service |
7, XV |
Foreign Assets Control, Office of |
31, V |
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States |
45, V |
Foreign Service Grievance Board |
22, IX |
Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel |
22, XIV |
Foreign Service Labor Relations Board |
22, XIV |
Foreign-Trade Zones Board |
15, IV |
Forest Service |
36, II |
General Services Administration |
5, LVII; 41, 105 |
Contract Appeals, Board of |
48, 61 |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 5 |
Federal Management Regulation |
41, 102 |
Federal Property Management Regulations |
41, 101 |
Federal Travel Regulation System |
41, Subtitle F |
General |
41, 300 |
Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses |
41, 304 |
Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death of Certain Employees |
41, 303 |
Relocation Allowances |
41, 302 |
Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances |
41, 301 |
Geological Survey |
30, IV |
Government Accountability Office |
4, I |
Government Ethics, Office of |
5, XVI |
Government National Mortgage Association |
24, III |
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration |
7, VIII; 9, II |
Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation |
33, IV |
Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council |
2, LIX; 40, VIII |
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation |
45, XVIII |
Health and Human Services, Department of |
2, III; 5, XLV; 45,Subtitle A |
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
42, IV |
Child Support Enforcement, Office of |
45, III |
Children and Families, Administration for |
45, II, III, IV, X, XIII |
Community Services, Office of |
45, X |
Family Assistance, Office of |
45, II |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 3 |
Food and Drug Administration |
21, I |
Indian Health Service |
25, V |
Inspector General (Health Care), Office of |
42, V |
Public Health Service |
42, I |
Refugee Resettlement, Office of |
45, IV |
Homeland Security, Department of |
2, XXX; 5, XXXVI; 6, I; 8, I |
Coast Guard |
33, I; 46, I; 49, IV |
Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage) |
46, III |
Customs and Border Protection |
19, I |
Federal Emergency Management Agency |
44, I |
Human Resources Management and Labor Relations Systems |
5, XCVII |
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau |
19, IV |
Transportation Security Administration |
49, XII |
HOPE for Homeowners Program, Board of Directors of |
24, XXIV |
Housing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, Office of |
24, IV |
Housing and Urban Development, Department of |
2, XXIV; 5, LXV; 24, Subtitle B |
Community Planning and Development, Office of Assistant Secretary for |
24, V, VI |
Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant Secretary for |
24, I |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 24 |
Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Office of |
12, XVII |
Government National Mortgage Association |
24, III |
Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner, Office of Assistant Secretary for |
24, II, VIII, X, XX |
Housing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, Office of |
24, IV |
Inspector General, Office of |
24, XII |
Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant Secretary for |
24, IX |
Secretary, Office of |
24, Subtitle A, VII |
Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner, Office of Assistant Secretary for |
24, II, VIII, X, XX |
Housing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, Office of |
24, IV |
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau |
19, IV |
Immigration Review, Executive Office for |
8, V |
Independent Counsel, Office of |
28, VII |
Independent Counsel, Offices of |
28, VI |
Indian Affairs, Bureau of |
25, I, V |
Indian Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary |
25, VI |
Indian Arts and Crafts Board |
25, II |
Indian Health Service |
25, V |
Industry and Security, Bureau of |
15, VII |
Information Resources Management, Office of |
7, XXVII |
Information Security Oversight Office, National Archives and Records Administration |
32, XX |
Inspector General |
Agriculture Department |
7, XXVI |
Health and Human Services Department |
42, V |
Housing and Urban Development Department |
24, XII, XV |
Institute of Peace, United States |
22, XVII |
Inter-American Foundation |
5, LXIII; 22, X |
Interior, Department of |
2, XIV |
American Indians, Office of the Special Trustee |
25, VII |
Endangered Species Committee |
50, IV |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 14 |
Federal Property Management Regulations System |
41, 114 |
Fish and Wildlife Service, United States |
50, I, IV |
Geological Survey |
30, IV |
Indian Affairs, Bureau of |
25, I, V |
Indian Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary |
25, VI |
Indian Arts and Crafts Board |
25, II |
Land Management, Bureau of |
43, II |
National Indian Gaming Commission |
25, III |
National Park Service |
36, I |
Natural Resource Revenue, Office of |
30, XII |
Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of |
30, V |
Reclamation, Bureau of |
43, I |
Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Bureau of |
30, II |
Secretary of the Interior, Office of |
2, XIV; 43, Subtitle A |
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Office of |
30, VII |
Internal Revenue Service |
26, I |
International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, United States Section |
22, XI |
International Development, United States Agency for |
22, II |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 7 |
International Development Cooperation Agency, United States |
22, XII |
International Development Finance Corporation, U.S. |
5, XXXIII; 22, VII |
International Joint Commission, United States and Canada |
22, IV |
International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board |
5, V |
International Trade Administration |
15, III; 19, III |
International Trade Commission, United States |
19, II |
Interstate Commerce Commission |
5, XL |
Investment Security, Office of |
31, VIII |
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation |
45, XXIV |
Japan–United States Friendship Commission |
22, XVI |
Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries |
20, VIII |
Justice, Department of |
2, XXVIII; 5, XXVIII; 28, I, XI; 40, IV |
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Bureau of |
27, II |
Drug Enforcement Administration |
21, II |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 28 |
Federal Claims Collection Standards |
31, IX |
Federal Prison Industries, Inc. |
28, III |
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States |
45, V |
Immigration Review, Executive Office for |
8, V |
Independent Counsel, Offices of |
28, VI |
Prisons, Bureau of |
28, V |
Property Management Regulations |
41, 128 |
Labor, Department of |
2, XXIX; 5, XLII |
Benefits Review Board |
20, VII |
Employee Benefits Security Administration |
29, XXV |
Employees' Compensation Appeals Board |
20, IV |
Employment and Training Administration |
20, V |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 29 |
Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office of |
41, 60 |
Federal Procurement Regulations System |
41, 50 |
Labor-Management Standards, Office of |
29, II, IV |
Mine Safety and Health Administration |
30, I |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
29, XVII |
Public Contracts |
41, 50 |
Secretary of Labor, Office of |
29, Subtitle A |
Veterans' Employment and Training Service, Office of the Assistant Secretary for |
41, 61; 20, IX |
Wage and Hour Division |
29, V |
Workers' Compensation Programs, Office of |
20, I, VI |
Labor-Management Standards, Office of |
29, II, IV |
Land Management, Bureau of |
43, II |
Legal Services Corporation |
45, XVI |
Libraries and Information Science, National Commission on |
45, XVII |
Library of Congress |
36, VII |
Copyright Royalty Board |
37, III |
U.S. Copyright Office |
37, II |
Management and Budget, Office of |
5, III, LXXVII; 14, VI; 48, 99 |
Marine Mammal Commission |
50, V |
Maritime Administration |
46, II |
Merit Systems Protection Board |
5, II, LXIV |
Micronesian Status Negotiations, Office for |
32, XXVII |
Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission |
5, XCIX |
Millennium Challenge Corporation |
22, XIII |
Mine Safety and Health Administration |
30, I |
Minority Business Development Agency |
15, XIV |
Miscellaneous Agencies |
1, IV |
Monetary Offices |
31, I |
Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation |
36, XVI |
Museum and Library Services, Institute of |
2, XXXI |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
2, XVIII; 5, LIX; 14, V |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 18 |
National Agricultural Library |
7, XLI |
National Agricultural Statistics Service |
7, XXXVI |
National and Community Service, Corporation for |
2, XXII; 45, XII, XXV |
National Archives and Records Administration |
2, XXVI; 5, LXVI; 36, XII |
Information Security Oversight Office |
32, XX |
National Capital Planning Commission |
1, IV, VI |
National Counterintelligence Center |
32, XVIII |
National Credit Union Administration |
5, LXXXVI; 12, VII |
National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council |
28, IX |
National Drug Control Policy, Office of |
2, XXXVI; 21, III |
National Endowment for the Arts |
2, XXXII |
National Endowment for the Humanities |
National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities |
45, XI |
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency |
32, I |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration |
23, II, III; 47, VI; 49, V |
National Imagery and Mapping Agency |
32, I |
National Indian Gaming Commission |
25, III |
National Institute of Food and Agriculture |
7, XXXIV |
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
15, II; 37, IV |
National Intelligence, Office of Director of |
5, IV; 32, XVII |
National Labor Relations Board |
5, LXI; 29, I |
National Marine Fisheries Service |
50, II, IV |
National Mediation Board |
5, CI; 29, X |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
15, IX; 50, II, III, IV, VI |
National Park Service |
36, I |
National Railroad Adjustment Board |
29, III |
National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) |
49, VII |
National Science Foundation |
2, XXV; 5, XLIII; 45, VI |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 25 |
National Security Council |
32, XXI; 47, II |
National Technical Information Service |
15, XI |
National Telecommunications and Information Administration |
15, XXIII; 47, III, IV, V |
National Transportation Safety Board |
49, VIII |
Natural Resource Revenue, Office of |
30, XII |
Natural Resources Conservation Service |
7, VI |
Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation, Office of |
25, IV |
Navy, Department of |
32, VI |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 52 |
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation |
24, XXV |
Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission |
10, XVIII |
Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
2, XX; 5, XLVIII; 10, I |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 20 |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
29, XVII |
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission |
29, XX |
Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of |
30, V |
Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust |
36, XV |
Operations Office |
Patent and Trademark Office, United States |
37, I |
Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses |
41, 304 |
Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death of Certain Employees |
41, 303 |
Peace Corps |
2, XXXVII; 22, III |
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation |
36, IX |
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation |
29, XL |
Personnel Management, Office of |
5, I, IV, XXXV; 45, VIII |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 17 |
Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 21 |
Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation |
48, 16 |
Human Resources Management and Labor Relations Systems, Department of Homeland Security |
5, XCVII |
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration |
49, I |
Postal Regulatory Commission |
5, XLVI; 39, III |
Postal Service, United States |
5, LX; 39, I |
Postsecondary Education, Office of |
34, VI |
President's Commission on White House Fellowships |
1, IV |
Presidential Documents |
3 |
Presidio Trust |
36, X |
Prisons, Bureau of |
28, V |
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board |
6, X |
Procurement and Property Management, Office of |
7, XXXII |
Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant Secretary for |
24, IX |
Public Contracts, Department of Labor |
41, 50 |
Public Health Service |
42, I |
Railroad Retirement Board |
20, II |
Reclamation, Bureau of |
43, I |
Refugee Resettlement, Office of |
45, IV |
Relocation Allowances |
41, 302 |
Research and Innovative Technology Administration |
49, XI |
Rural Business-Cooperative Service |
Rural Development Administration |
7, XLII |
Rural Housing Service |
Rural Utilities Service |
Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Bureau of |
30, II |
Science and Technology Policy, Office of |
32, XXIV; 47, II |
Secret Service |
31, IV |
Securities and Exchange Commission |
5, XXXIV; 17, II |
Selective Service System |
32, XVI |
Small Business Administration |
2, XXVII; 13, I |
Smithsonian Institution |
36, V |
Social Security Administration |
2, XXIII; 20, III; 48, 23 |
Soldiers' and Airmen's Home, United States |
5, XI |
Special Counsel, Office of |
5, VIII |
Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of |
34, III |
State, Department of |
2, VI; 22, I; 28, XI |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 6 |
Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Office of |
30, VII |
Surface Transportation Board |
49, X |
Susquehanna River Basin Commission |
18, VIII |
Tennessee Valley Authority |
5, LXIX; 18, XIII |
Trade Representative, United States, Office of |
15, XX |
Transportation, Department of |
2, XII; 5, L |
Commercial Space Transportation |
14, III |
Emergency Management and Assistance |
44, IV |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 12 |
Federal Aviation Administration |
14, I |
Federal Highway Administration |
23, I, II |
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration |
49, III |
Federal Railroad Administration |
49, II |
Federal Transit Administration |
49, VI |
Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation |
33, IV |
Maritime Administration |
46, II |
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration |
23, II, III; 47, IV; 49, V |
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration |
49, I |
Secretary of Transportation, Office of |
14, II; 49, Subtitle A |
Transportation Statistics Bureau |
49, XI |
Transportation, Office of |
Transportation Security Administration |
49, XII |
Transportation Statistics Bureau |
49, XI |
Travel Allowances, Temporary Duty (TDY) |
41, 301 |
Treasury, Department of the |
2, X; 5, XXI; 12, XV; 17, IV; 31, IX |
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau |
27, I |
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund |
12, XVIII |
Comptroller of the Currency |
12, I |
Customs and Border Protection |
19, I |
Engraving and Printing, Bureau of |
31, VI |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 10 |
Federal Claims Collection Standards |
31, IX |
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center |
31, VII |
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network |
31, X |
Fiscal Service |
31, II |
Foreign Assets Control, Office of |
31, V |
Internal Revenue Service |
26, I |
Investment Security, Office of |
31, VIII |
Monetary Offices |
31, I |
Secret Service |
31, IV |
Secretary of the Treasury, Office of |
31, Subtitle A |
Truman, Harry S. Scholarship Foundation |
45, XVIII |
United States Agency for Global Media |
22, V |
United States and Canada, International Joint Commission |
22, IV |
United States and Mexico, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States Section |
22, XI |
U.S. Copyright Office |
37, II |
U.S. Office of Special Counsel |
5, CII |
Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission |
43, III |
Veterans Affairs, Department of |
2, VIII; 38, I |
Federal Acquisition Regulation |
48, 8 |
Veterans' Employment and Training Service, Office of the Assistant Secretary for |
41, 61; 20, IX |
Vice President of the United States, Office of |
32, XXVIII |
Wage and Hour Division |
29, V |
Water Resources Council |
18, VI |
Workers' Compensation Programs, Office of |
20, I, VII |
World Agricultural Outlook Board |