Review Schedule for the Design Certification Application Review - ABWR Amendment

In a letter dated November 23, 2009, the NRC documented the completion of its acceptance review and stated that the application was being docketed. The letter also provided a schedule which supports issuance of a draft environmental assessment available for public comment in June 2010.

The staff completed their review and issued the Final Safety Evaluation Report on October 14, 2010. The NRC published the proposed rule on January 20, 2011 and the final rule was published in the Federal Register on December 16, 2011 (76 FR 78096).

Key Milestones Completion Date
STPNOC submitted ABWR DCR Amendment Application 06/30/09 - A
STPNOC submitted a schedule commitment to provide Supplemental ER 09/19/09 - A
STPNOC submitted supplemental ER 11/10/09 - A
Acceptance Review
NRC issued an acceptance letter and request for Supplemental ER 09/09/09 - A
Safety Review
NRC Issue SER 10/14/10 - A
Publish Proposed Rule 01/20/11 - A
Publish Final Rule 12/16/11 - A

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Saturday, September 17, 2022