2010 - Design Certification Application Review - ABWR Amendment
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Applicant Documents
The following table provides access to the documents submitted in 2010 to support the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff's review of STPNOC's application to amend the ABWR DCR.
Date |
Description |
09/23/10 |
ABWR STP Aircraft Impact Assessment (AIA) Amendment Revision 3 |
09/09/10 |
ABWR STP Aircraft Impact Assessment (AIA) Amendment Revision 2 |
08/04/10 |
ABWR STP Aircraft Impact Assessment (AIA) Amendment Revision 1 |
07/12/10 |
ABWR STP Aircraft Impact Assessment (AIA) Amendment Revision 0 |

NRC Documents
The following table provides access to the documents submitted in 2010 to support the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff's review of STPNOC's application to amend the ABWR DCR.
Date |
Description |
11/09/10 |
STPNOC Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Aircraft Impact Assessment Application Review Schedule |