Requests for Additional Information Regarding the Combined License Application for North Anna, Unit 3
This page provides access to requests for additional information (RAIs) that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has issued in connection with its review of the application that Dominion Virginia Power (Dominion) submitted to obtain a combined license (COL) for North Anna, Unit 3. The purpose of these RAIs is to obtain all of the information that the NRC staff deems necessary to resolve any safety or environmental issues that are not adequately addressed in the application. Consequently, the applicant's responses to RAIs become supplements to the initial application. For details, see the following categories of RAIs on this page:
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Safety RAIs
For all safety-related RAIs and the applicant's related responses, please refer to the eRAI Safety Report. Note that some RAIs and related responses may not be publicly available because they contain sensitive information. The RAIs listed in this report include those issued and responded to when the North Anna Combined License Application (COLA) incorporated the ESBWR DCD by reference and those issued and responded to after the COLA was revised to incorporate the US-APWR DCD by reference. In a letter dated December 16, 2010, Dominion provided the results of its review to determine if and how the RAIs issued and responded to when the COLA referenced the ESBWR DCD were impacted by the change in technology to the US-APWR. A separate but similar review was performed for chapter 8 specifically. That letter was dated October 27, 2010.
In addition to the RAI responses contained in the eRAI Safety Report mentioned above, Dominion has endorsed RAI responses provided by Luminant for the Comanche Peak Units 3 and 4 COL application. The endorsement of the Luminant responses is related to RAIs for the portion of the North Anna Unit 3 application that are common to the Comanche Peak Units 3 and 4 application. This information is referred to as "standard content." In its initial application letter dated September 19, 2008, Luminant provided a Standardization Matrix as Attachment 4. This matrix was intended to aid in the planning and scheduling of the application. But, it also provides guidance on which application sections will most likely contain COL site-specific information. The endorsement of the Comanche Peak standard content RAIs for the North Anna Unit 3 COL can be found in letters dated November 10, 2010, March 16, 2011, and July 5, 2011.

Environmental RAIs
The following table provides access to environmental RAIs and the applicant's subsequent responses.
RAI Date |
RAI Letter No. and Subject |
Applicant Response |
06/18/08 |
RAI Letter Regarding the Environmental Review of the Combined License Application |
07/17/08 |