2010 - Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant Application

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Applicant Documents

The following table provides access to the COL Application and other documents that PPL Bell Bend, LLC submitted in 2010 for Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant.

Date Description
12/21/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 2.6 (Geology) updated for plot plan change
12/13/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 5.3 (Cooling System Impacts) updated for plot plan change and revised RAI responses MET 5.3-3 and 5.3-4
12/10/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 4.4 (Socioeconomic Impacts of Construction) updated for plot plan change and revised RAI responses SE 4.4-1, 4.4-2, and 4.4-10
12/06/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 5.6 (Transmission System Impacts) updated for plot plan change
11/15/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 7.3 (SAMA) update
11/11/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 2.2 (Land Use) updated for plot plan change and revised RAI response LU & TE 4.3-2 (partial response)
11/03/10 PPL submittal of ER Chapter 8 (Need for Power) updated for plot plan change
11/01/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 3.1 (Plant Layout) updated for plot plan change
10/28/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 7.3 (SAMA) updated for plot plan change
10/27/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 2.1 (Station Location) updated for plot plan change, and revised RAI responses STO 2.1-2, TE 2.4-1, STO 2.1-1
10/20/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 3.7 updated for plot plan change
10/14/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 7.2 updated for plot plan change, and revised RAI responses ACC 7.2-2, 7.2-3, 7.2-5, and RAI 5021
09/28/10 PPL schedule update for providing ER sections on new site layout originally scheduled to be submitted on 9/29
09/22/10 PPL schedule update for providing ER sections on new site layout originally scheduled to be submitted on 9/22
09/15/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 6.4 (Meteorology) updated for plot plan change
09/10/10 PPL letter clarifying schedule for submittal of combined license application Part 11 reports on new site layout
09/08/10 PPL submittal of ER Section 4.5 updated for plot plan change, and revised RAI response RHH 4.5-2
08/19/10 Corrected letter - Responses to second alternative sites audit information needs, third submittal
08/13/10 Responses to second alternative sites audit information needs, third submittal
07/23/10 PPL schedule update for providing conformity RAI (MET 2.7-1) submittal
07/21/10 Responses to second alternative sites audit information needs, second submittal
07/16/10 PPL schedule update for providing near-term revised FSAR and ER sections on new site layout
07/09/10 Responses to second alternative sites audit information needs, first submittal
05/07/10 PPL schedule update for providing revised FSAR and ER sections on new site layout

NRC Documents

The following table provides access to documents and correspondence that the NRC has issued in 2010 in connection with its review of the COL application that PPL Bell Bend, LLC submitted for Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant.

Date Description
12/03/10 Environmental Project Manager Change for the Combined License Application Environmental Review for the Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant
09/24/10 Summary of Second Environmental Alternative Sites Audit Related to the Review of the Combined License Application
09/21/10 Letter from NRC to PPL transmitting U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and EPA comments on the alternative sites analysis
02/17/10 Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant Combined License Application Review Schedule Revision

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Sunday, September 18, 2022