Telling our Story in a Changing World
Office of Public Affairs
This dynamic, digital exhibit will focus on the key elements of external communications with stakeholders, interagency partners, and the media, highlighting the professional staff and the principles and products by which the office keeps the public informed. The hybrid exhibit will be customized to accommodate both virtual and in-person audiences. The exhibit will cover five topics: (1) Transparency—providing accurate and timely information through media relations, news releases, and announcing and reiterating news through social media, (2) Information and Education—the role of the Office of Public Affairs in public meetings and developing written and online content with an emphasis on clear, understandable plain language, (3) Social Media— strategies and practices for communicating quickly and effectively using modern tools to inform and educate agency audiences, (4) Crisis Communication—using public service announcements, emergency event and rumor control Web pages, and social media during an emergency, and (5) Who We Are—presenting the office’s communicators, including regional and headquarters staff. In addition, the exhibit will feature conveniently placed racks of virtual and hard-copy brochures and popular published products, including the Information Digest.
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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, August 13, 2024