Impacts of Risk-Informed Licensing Actions at Nuclear Power Plants

Sponsored by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
The purpose of this exhibit is to provide the status of and impacts that risk-informed licensing actions have had on Nuclear Power Plants and on the NRC. The learning objectives are: 1. To learn about the history of risk-informed licensing actions at nuclear power plants. 2. To learn about the status of risk-informed licensing actions at nuclear power plants. 3. To learn about the impacts that risk-informed licensing actions have had on nuclear power plants and the NRC. 4. To learn about future plans for risk-informed licensing actions at nuclear power plants. The exhibit will focus on risk-informed licensing actions that apply to nuclear power plants such as TSTF-505, 10 CFR 50.69, NFPA - 805, TSTF-425, RIsk-Informed Inservice Inspections/Testing, Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessments, and the RIPE process. The takeaway message is that risk-informed licensing actions at nuclear power plants have had positive impacts on both licensees and the NRC and in many cases have resulted in safety improvements at nuclear power plants.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, April 17, 2024