Want to Improve Simulator Training? Try SACADA!
Sponsored by the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
The NRC partnering with South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Comapny (STPNOC) developed the SACADA (Scenario Authoring, Characterization, and Debriefing Application) software for operator simulator training. The instructors use SACADA to develop simulation scenarios, guide crew performance debriefing, and analyze crew performance. STPNOC has used SACADA since 2013 and has identified benefits such as more effective crew debriefing, improved managers' awareness of crew performance, and reduced time and effort in developing new simulation scenarios. Through the partnership with STPNOC, the NRC uses STPNOC's crew performance information to improve human reliability analysis techniques, an important element of risk analysis. This exhibit aims to invite more licensees to partner with the NRC on using SACADA. The exhibition will include demonstration of the SACADA software and explain how SACADA is contributing to the NRC’s journey to becoming a modern and risk-informed regulator.
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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, April 17, 2024