Transportation Package Information

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulates the procedures and standards for approval of packaging and shipping procedures for fissile material and for licensed material in excess of a Type A quantity. NRC approved packages are listed below.

Content descriptions can be found by clicking the package type links below.
The Department of Energy's RAdioactive Materials PACkages (RAMPAC) websitewebsite has the most recent certificate of compliance and safety evaluation report issued by the NRC for the packages listed below.

On this page:

Type B Waste Content Examples: Radioactive material in the form of solid byproduct, source, or limited quantities of special nuclear material, or solidified materials and wastes that are typically packaged in secondary containers. Examples include filters, resins and scrap metals which have been irradiated in a reactor.

Type B Waste Packages
Model Number Docket Number
3-60B 71-9321
9975 71-9975
CNS-10-160B 71-9204
CNS-8-120B 71-9168
HalfPACT 71-9279
RH-TRU 72-B 71-9212
RT-100 71-9365
TN-RAM 71-9233
TRUPACT II 71-9218
HI-STAR ATB-1T 71-9375
OPTIMUS-L 71-9390
PALADIN 71-9400

Type B (Normal Form) Content Examples: Radioactive material which does not meet the requirements of special form radioactive material as defined in 10 CFR 71.4. Examples include liquids, solids and powders in secondary containers.

Type B (Normal Form) Packages
Model Number Docket Number
380-B 71-9370
435-B 71-9355
1105-SD 71-9379
3977A 71-9338
3979A 71-9337
MIDUS 71-9320
PAS-1 71-9184

Type B (Special Form) Content Examples: Radioactive material in a sealed source which is either a single solid piece or is contained in a sealed capsule that can be opened only by destroying the capsule and has been tested and meets the qualification requirements in 10 CFR 71.75. Examples include radiography cameras and irradiators.

Type B (Special Form) Packages
Model Number Docket Number
360 Series [360-2, 360-4, 360-4W, 360-10 & 360-10W] 71-9371
650L 71-9269
702 71-6613
865 71-9187
880 Series [880 Delta, 880 Elite, 880 SC, & 880 Sigma] 71-9296
976 Series [976A, 976B, 976C, 976D, 976E & 976F] 71-9314
AOS-025A, -050A, -100A, -100A-S & -100B 71-9316
C-1 71-9036
F-423 71-9299
F-430/GC-40 71-9290
F-431 71-9310
IR-100 71-9157
NPI-20WC-6 MKII 71-9215
OP-100 71-9185
RMSC-OP 71-9387
SENTRY 71-9357
SPEC-150 71-9263
SPEC-300 71-9282
Ten Hole Source Changer 71-9360

Spent Fuel Content Examples: Fuel assemblies irradiated in a nuclear reactor that have undergone at least one year of decay and that have not been chemically separated into their constituent elements.

Spent Fuel Packages
Model Number Docket Number
2000 71-9228
BRR 71-9341
GA-4 71-9226
HI-STAR 100 71-9261
HI-STAR 100MB 71-9378
HI-STAR 180 71-9325
HI-STAR 180D 71-9367
HI-STAR 180L 71-9381
HI-STAR 190 71-9373
HI-STAR 80 71-9374
NAC-LWT 71-9225
NAC-STC 71-9235
NUHOMS-MP187 71-9255
NUHOMS MP197 & MP197HB 71-9302
TN-40 71-9313
TN-68 71-9293
TN EAGLE-STC 71-9382
TN-FSV 71-9253
TN-LC 71-9358
TS125 71-9276

Unirradiated Fissile Material Content Examples: Unirradiated uranium-233, uranium-235, plutonium-239, and plutonium-241, or any combination of these radionuclides. Examples include uranium metal, uranyl nitrate, uranium dioxide pellets and powder, and fuel assemblies prior to insertion into a nuclear reactor.

Unirradiated Fissile Material Packages
Model Number Docket Number
51032-2 71-9252
9979 71-9979
ABB-2901 71-9274
ANF-250 71-9217
ATR FFSC 71-9330
BW-2901 71-9251
CHT-OP-TU 71-9288
DN30 71-9362
DN30-X 71-9388
ES3100 71-9315
Inner HFIR UN & Outer HFIR UN 71-5797
LIQUI-RAD 71-9291
MAP-12 & MAP-13 71-9319
MCC-3, MCC-4 & MCC-5 71-9239
MFFP 71-9295
New Powder Container 71-9294
PAT-1 71-0361
PATRIOT 71-9292
RAJ-II 71-9309
S300 71-9329
SP-1, SP-2 & SP-3 71-9248
ST 71-9246
TN-55 71-9328
TN-B1 71-9372
Traveller STD, XL & VVER 71-9297
Traveller XL-STD 71-9380
TRIGA I 71-9034
TRIGA II 71-9037
UNC-2600 71-5086
UX-30 71-9196
VERSA-PAC (VP-55 & VP-110) 71-9342
WE-1 71-9289

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, June 12, 2023