Nationwide Programs to Assist with Removing Unwanted or Unused Radioactive Materials
The Off-Site Source Recovery Project (OSRP) is a U.S. Government activity sponsored by the National Nuclear Security Administration's (NNSA) Office of Global Threat Reduction and is managed at Los Alamos National Laboratory through the Nuclear Nonproliferation Division. OSRP has an NNSA sponsored mission to remove excess, unwanted, abandoned, or orphan radioactive sealed sources that pose a potential risk to health, safety, and national security.
The Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD) has an initiative to reduce the amount of unused radioactive material stored by licensees. The CRCPD Source Collection and Threat Reduction (SCATR) Program works with the Los Alamos National Lab and the NNSA regarding disposition of these radiation sources that could be used for malicious intent. The SCATR project works in cooperation with individual State and local radiation control programs and helps to provide funds for the disposition of unwanted radioactive material. The SCATR program is a supplement to other Federal and national programs for assistance with unwanted or unused radioactive material.