NRC External Stakeholder Feedback Survey on Transformation

As part of our transformation efforts, the NRC wanted to engage external stakeholders and seek their views about our transformation journey. From September 13, 2021, to March 31, 2022, the NRC sought feedback through the first "NRC External Stakeholder Feedback Survey on Transformation." During the survey open period, eighty-one external stakeholders provided feedback and views on the agency’s transformation efforts. External stakeholders that responded to the survey comprised of representatives from the public, nuclear and non-nuclear interest groups, NRC reactor and materials licensees, Agreement States, Department of Energy national laboratories, and international regulatory agencies and departments. The survey was related to three of the agency's transformation focus areas – Be riskSMART. Innovation, and Use Technology – and gathered information on how these focus areas directly contributed to the agency's Mission Performance, Information Sharing, Quality of Decision-making, and Timeliness of Decision-making. Positive feedback was provided regarding the agency's mission performance, including noted improvements in licensing and rulemaking processes and greater access to information via public webpages and dashboards. Respondents also acknowledged their awareness of the agency's transformation efforts. Many respondents provided comments regarding a general uncertainty on what the agency means by data analytics and how risk information is used to make timely decisions.

In analyzing the results, the NRC staff made concerted efforts to enhance discussions regarding data analytics and how the agency uses data to make risk-informed regulatory decisions. In various public meetings the NRC staff explained how data is received by external stakeholders, how that data is analyzed, how the staff follows up for clarification, and how the final decision was made. Providing clarity and openness in public forums has allowed a greater understanding on the how and why for the agency's use of data analytics and using risk information in decision-making.

The NRC staff is once again seeking external stakeholder feedback on the agency's transformation efforts. Our goal is to achieve mission excellence as a modern, risk-informed regulator so we are in the best position to continue meeting our safety and security mission. Please take a moment to complete this brief survey. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, April 24, 2023