Recruiter Handbook And Information Guide (NUREG/BR-0357)
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Publication Information
Date Published: September 2008
Office of Human Resources
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
Thank you for your commitment to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Recruitment Program. Your participation and support will ensure the NRC remains the best place to work in the Federal Government, as indicated in the 2007 rankings by the Partnership for Public Service. Our ability to attract highly skilled, culturally diverse candidates is largely attributable to our recruiters’ active participation in the process.
The NRC’s most significant organizational asset is its employees. Therefore, it is paramount that the NRC recruit, hire, and retain talented and gifted professionals. Recruiters identify students and experienced professionals who possess unique skills, talents, and knowledge critical to the NRC’s continued success. Recruiters explain the Agency’s mission, challenges, and expectations to potential employees and direct the best of the best to the NRC.
The information in this booklet will inform recruiters about the NRC Recruitment Program, our retention incentives, and other factors key to identifying, cultivating, and retaining a superior workforce. This booklet also defines best practices in recruiting and retaining a high quality and diverse staff.
Winning the race for talent in today’s job market demands forecasting future skill-set needs and developing a proactive, targeted recruitment strategy to fill them. It is important to understand that attracting new generations of workers calls for new recruiting strategies.
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