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Maanshan PWR FLEX Program Enhance with RELAP5/MOD 3.3 (NUREG/IA-0549)

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Publication Information

Manuscript Completed: July 2024
Date Published: July 2024

Prepared by:
Chunkuan Shih, Jong-Rong Wang, Chih-Chia Chiang, Yuh-Ming Ferng, Shao-Wen Chen, and
Tzu-Yao Yu*

National Tsing Hua University and Nuclear and New Energy Education and Research Foundation 101

Section 2, Kuang Fu Rd.,
HsinChu, Taiwan3

K. Tien, NRC Project Manager

Division of Systems Analysis
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

Manuscript Completed: July 2024
Date Published: July 2024

Prepared as part of:
The Agreement on Research Participation and Technical Exchange
Under the Thermal-Hydraulic Code Applications and Maintenance Program (CAMP)

Published by:
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

Availability Notice


Taiwan Power Company (TPC) and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) have signed the CAMP (Code Applications and Maintenance Program) agreements with US NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) from 2004. Under these agreements, TPC and AEC agree to investigate RELAP5 and TRACE codes for their applications and maintenance and publish NUREG/IA reports following US NRC’s specifications. CAMP Program was initiated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in order to ensure the safe operation of nuclear power plants and to promote information exchange, cooperation and experience feedback in the international nuclear energy community. In addition to the continuous establishment and development of safety-related experiments and simulation programs, It is also actively seeking for relevant international experience sharing and feedback implementation. Therefore, it is necessary for our country to continue to participate in the CAMP cooperation agreement. Through international cooperation programs and domestic research analysis and evaluation needs, the results will be written and published NUREG reports and information and experience with international organizations communicate. For domestic energy policy, the proposal is for the supporting nuclear power plant operation safety and decommissioning plan. In this study, RELAP code will apply to assess the nuclear power plants safety, include domestic nuclear power plants accident assessment, verification for TRACE analysis, and assessment of FLEX capability for Maanshan nuclear power plant. Further, this proposal will also prepare one NUREG report every year on SNAP/RELAP5 [2] code application and maintenance based on CAMP agreements. In the next four years, the RELAP5 program will be used for analysis, and this report is expected to complete the establishment of the FLEX model of SNAP/RELAP5 in the Maanshan nuclear power plant, supplemented by TRACE analysis for verification, and at the same time include the comparison of relevant analysis reports commissioned by the Nuclear Energy Research Institute to assist Taipower in the rescue of FLEX equipment in the Maanshan nuclear power plant evaluation etc.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, July 22, 2024