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RELAP5, TRACE and APROS Model Benchmark for the IAEA SPE-2 Experiment (NUREG/IA-0544)

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Prepared by:
R. Orosz, T. Varju, Á. Aranyosy, V. Holl, T. Hajas & A. Aszódi

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Institute of Nuclear Techniques
Műegyetem rkp. 3.
1111 Budapest, Hungary

K. Tien, NRC Project Manager

Division of Systems Analysis
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

Manuscript Completed: June 2023
Date Published: March 2024

Prepared as part of
The Agreement on Research Participation and Technical Exchange
Under the Thermal-Hydraulic Code Applications and Maintenance Program (CAMP)

Published by:
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001

Availability Notice


In the recent decades, with the ever-growing computational capacity, system codes have become essential tools at research and development activities, assessments and licencing procedures of NPPs and research reactors. Among others, a broad literature of assessments performed with RELAP5 and TRACE codes is now available, proving the reliability of the produced results.

In one of our previous studies, dealing with the IAEA SPE-4 benchmark test, we evaluated and compared our simulation results of multiple system codes, namely RELAP5, TRACE and the Finnish APROS. The current study could be considered as the continuation of the mentioned one, as both tests were conducted on the PMK-2 integral test facility in Budapest, Hungary. Although both benchmarks are dealing with a CL-SBLOCA transient, there are several key differences greatly influencing the transient behaviour, such as the availability of emergency core cooling systems (ECCS) or the secondary side bleed and feed operation.

As there are significantly less studies dealing with this particular test and those available resulted, on average, in lower accuracy compared to those of the SPE-4, we decided to investigate it simultaneously with three system codes: RELAP5, TRACE and APROS. The results have been evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively through FFTBM and SARBM methods.


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, April 01, 2024