Assessment of BETHSY Test 9.1.b Using RELAP5/MOD3 (NUREG/IA-0103)
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Publication Information
Date Published: June 1993
Prepared by:
S. Lee, B. D. Chung, H. J. Kim
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety
P. O. Box 16
Daejon, Korea, 305–606
Prepared as part of:
The Agreement on Research Participation and Technical Exchange
under the International Thermal-Hydraulic Code Assessment
and Application Program (ICAP)
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
Availability Notice
2" cold leg break test 9.1.b, conducted at the BETHSY facility was analyzed using the RELAP5/MOD3 Version 5m5 code.
The test 9.1.b was conducted with the main objective being the investigation of the thermal-hydraulic mechanisms responsible for the large core uncovery and fuel heat-up, requiring the implementation of an ultimate procedure.
The present analysis demonstrates the code's capability to predict, with sufficient accuracy, the main phenomena occurring in the depressurization transient, both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. Nevertheless, several differences regarding the evolution of phenomena and affecting the timing order have to be pointed out in the base calculation.
Three calculations were carried out to study the sensitivity to change of the nodalization in the components of the loop seal cross-over legs, and of the auxiliary feedwater control logics, and of the break discharge coefficient.
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