The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

Change Notice 05-006

Issue Date: 02/18/05

All Files in ZIP Format

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1. IMC 1245, App D1 01/24/03 IMC 1245, App D1 02/18/05
2. IMC 2516 04/10/02 IMC 2516 02/18/05
3. IP 71002 09/18/00 IP 71002 02/18/05
4. IP 71003 12/09/02 IP 71003 02/18/05
5. IP 71111.05T 12/01/04 IP 71111.05T 02/18/05
6. TI 2515/150 Rev 2 08/04/03 TI 2515/150 Rev 3 02/18/05
7. TI 2515/153 10/03/03 TI 2515/153 Rev 1 02/18/05


IMC 1245, App D1 - Completed by way of a detailed Change Notice, prior SRA reviews, and presentations during SRA counterpart meetings.


IMC 1245, App D1 (Senior Reactor Analyst Training and Qualification Program) has been revised to include lessons learned from currently qualified SRAs such that upon qualification, SRAs will be better prepared to fulfill the role of SRA. Numerous SRAs were involved in the development and review of new individual study activities (ISAs) and on-the-job training (OJT) activities. Since this is a major revision, an assessment was performed by IIPB to determine what actions would be needed for currently qualified SRAs to transition to the revised procedure. Since the revised qualification procedure continues to focus on the major tasks performed by SRAs, no additional training activities are required. These tasks include the following: (1) Notice of Enforcement Discretion (NOEDs) reviews, (2) Assign significance to inspection findings through Phase 3 of the Significance Determination Process (SDP), and (3) Assign significance to operational events. In addition, no new formal training courses have been added from the prior revision.

IMC 2516 (Policy and Guidance for the License Renewal Inspection Programs) has been revised to remove IIPB as approval authority for license renewal inspection plans, remove reference to the Associate Director for Inspection and Programs, update the general policies and program objectives, and provide an updated sample inspection letter.

IP 71002 (License Renewal Inspection) has been completely revised to focus the scoping and screening inspection on verification of nonsafety-related SSCs that can affect the function of safety-related SSCs, selecting samples based on insights from the staff's LRA review, reducing onsite inspection from 3 weeks to 2 weeks, and removal of repetitive and unnecessary guidance.

IP 71003 (Post-Approval Site Inspection for License Renewal) attachments have been revised to include licensee commitments for all completed license renewal applications for post-renewal inspections.

IP 71111.05T (Fire Protection [Triennial]) Guidance incorporated into Enclosure 2 of the inspection procedure, Inspection Criteria for Fire Protection Manual Actions, issued 12/01/04, incorrectly adopted new information not intended to be issued at that time. This revision re-instates the criteria which appeared in the 03/06/03 version of the document with some editorial changes to conform to the new format. Findings where manual actions are feasible will continue to be identified as Green.

TI 2515/150, Rev 3 (Reactor Pressure Vessel Head and Vessel Head Penetration Nozzles [NRC Order EA-03-009]) has been revised to reflect the revised NRC Order EA-03-009 dated February 2004 and other minor changes for clarity.

TI 2515/153, Rev 1 (Reactor Containment Sump Blockage [NRC Bulletin 2003-01]) has been revised to extend the expiration and completion dates.



Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, July 02, 2015