Information Notice No. 89-90, Supplement 2: Pressurizer Safety Valve Lift Setpoint Shift
September 5, 1991
All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this supplement to
Information Notice (IN) 89-90 to alert addressees to information about more
recent pressurizer safety valve setpoint tests using steam, loop seal water,
and nitrogen as test fluids. It is expected that recipients will review the
information for applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as
appropriate, to avoid similar problems. However, suggestions contained in
this information notice supplement do not constitute NRC requirements;
therefore, no specific action or written response is required.
The staff issued IN 89-90 to inform addressees about problems that could
result from operating pressurizer safety valves in environments that are
different from those used to establish the lift setpoints for the valves.
The information notice focused on problems encountered when valves were
operated with a loop seal containing water after setting the valve lift
setpoints using steam under the seat. The staff issued IN 89-90, Supplement
1, to inform addressees about the possible effects of temperature variations
on safety valve setpoints.
Description of Circumstances
In IN 89-90, the staff noted that the Westinghouse Electric Corporation
tested the setpoints on several plant pressurizer safety valves (PSVs) and
found that when the valve setpoints are set with steam as the test fluid,
the setpoints could shift upward 4 to 8 percent if the PSVs are installed on
water-filled loop seals. Westinghouse discovered the shift while attempting
to set PSVs more correctly by using the same fluid against the valve seats
as is found during normal operation (subcooled loop seal water).
Westinghouse tested and adjusted the setpoint of several plant PSVs by
mounting the valves on a test facility loop seal piping configuration,
filling the loop seal piping with water, and increasing the inlet pressure
to the observed lift setpoint of the PSVs. After Westinghouse performed
these tests, three events occurred in which PSVs, which had been set by this
method, actuated at normal plant operating pressure, about 200 psi below the
required setpoint. These three events
IN 89-90, Supplement 2
September 5, 1991
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occurred at the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station in May and August of 1989
and at the Surry Power Station, Unit 2, in October 1989. As discussed in IN
89-90, a loss of the loop seal water appeared to cause the valve setpoints
to shift downward.
In late 1990, the Westinghouse Owners Group had Westinghouse perform
additional diagnostic tests on several PSV models to address concerns
regarding the three plant events and findings from the preliminary test
results that indicated a 4 to 8 percent difference between the resultant
setpoints for the steam and for the subcooled loop seal water. The results
of these diagnostic tests showed that by making very precise measurements of
valve spindle motion (i.e. disk lift), Westinghouse found a much smaller
corresponding shift in setpoint between the steam and the loop seal liquid
inlet conditions. These tests indicated that what had earlier appeared in
the above three events as downward shifts in setpoint caused by a loss of
loop seal water probably occurred because the actual PSV setpoints were too
near the system operating pressure. By not measuring the disk lift very
precisely at the loop seal test facility, Westinghouse had apparently
adjusted the PSV setpoints too low. Westinghouse also found that the time
needed to purge the loop seal was longer than had been previously measured
in the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) test program for safety
valves in 1981.
In performing the recent diagnostic tests of PSV setpoints with saturated
steam and subcooled loop seal water, Westinghouse did not observe the large
shift in setpoint that it had observed earlier and that the staff had
reported in IN 89-90. When the disk lift was measured very precisely,
testing with subcooled loop seal liquid provided setpoint results nearly the
same as for steam, even with a large difference in temperature between the
two fluids. Therefore, these test results indicate that valves set with
steam should begin to open at approximately the same pressure when installed
with steam or subcooled loop seal water against the seats. However, in
performing the most recent tests, Westinghouse also found that more time was
needed to purge the loop seal than had been earlier determined from the EPRI
test program data. Safety valves will not relieve the system steam pressure
until the loop seal has purged at which time the valves will fully open.
Therefore, the longer time needed to purge the loop seal could cause the
maximum pressure in the primary system to increase. If the system design
margin is small, a rapid pressurization rate could cause the pressure to
exceed the allowable limit.
Responding to concerns regarding setpoint testing with water-filled loop
seals, Westinghouse also submitted inquiries regarding the issue of setpoint
testing of PSVs to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code committees that establish setpoint testing
standards. The ASME Section III and Operation and Maintenance Code
committees addressed this issue by clarifying the testing requirements for
the Code setpoint to specify that safety valves for saturated steam service,
which are installed on water-filled loop seals, should be tested with steam.
In addition, the Section III Code committee stated that the effects of the
water-filled loop seals should be considered in evaluating the maximum
system pressure.
IN 89-90, Supplement 2
September 5, 1991
Page 3 of 3
In conducting the recent safety valve tests, Westinghouse also conducted
tests using nitrogen and compared the setpoints with those obtained for
saturated steam. Westinghouse found that the setpoint varies more between
nitrogen and steam than it does between loop seal water and steam.
Westinghouse also found that the setpoints for nitrogen and steam may need
to be correlated for specific valves individually.
This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If
you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact
one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of
Nuclear Reactor Regulation project manager.
Charles E. Rossi, Director Division of
Operational Events Assessment Office of
Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical contacts: Charles G. Hammer, NRR
(301) 492-0791
Mary S. Wegner, AEOD
(301) 492-7818
Frank C. Cherny, RES
(301) 492-3945
Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021