Information Notice No. 83-70, Supplement 1: Vibration-Induced Valve Failures
SSINS No.: 6835
IN 83-70, Supplement 1
March 4, 1985
All nuclear reactor facilities holding an operating license (OL) or
construction permit (CP).
This information notice is provided to supplement Information Notice 83-70
and to alert addressees of additional valve failures and system
inoperability as a result of loose valve stem antirotation devices. These
additional failures involve valves supplied by companies other than the
Anchor Darling Company. It is expected that recipients will review the
information for applicability to their facilities. Suggestions contained in
this notice do not constitute NRC requirements; therefore, no specific
action or written response is required.
Information Notice (IN) 83-70 described events at the Shoreham Station Unit
1 and the Zimmer Station where valve stem clamps (antirotation devices) had
become loose because of normal system vibration. The loose stem clamps
caused the valves to become inoperative. IN 83-70 reported failures of this
type only on globe valves supplied by the Anchor Darling Company.
Description of Circumstances:
A review of licensee event reports (LER) has revealed that failure of the
antirotation device is not unique to globe valves manufactured by Anchor
Darling. Valves of other manufacturers also have experienced similar
failures. These manufacturers were Blaw-Knox, Rockwell-Edward, W-K-M
Division (WKM), and Copes-Vulcan. The defective valves found in this review
also were used in systems such as the residual heat removal (RHR) heat
exchanger discharge, auxiliary feedwater, main steam, containment isolation
and main feedwater. The events involving failure of the antirotation device
on valves other than those supplied by Anchor Darling occurred at four
plants; Quad Cities 1, James A. Fitzpatrick, San Onofre 2, and Surry 1.
The event at Quad Cities 1 occurred on April 12, 1983, and was reported in
LER 83-018. While starting the 1C RHR service water pump during a minor
preventive maintenance on the pumps, the operator observed an excessively
high discharge pressure and low flow from the pump. An inspection of the RHR
heat exchanger discharge valve revealed that the valve was actually closed
IN 83-70, Supplement 1
March 4, 1985
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it indicated open in the control room; the motor operator was functioning
properly, but the valve was not opening. Subsequent licensee investigation
revealed that the cause of this event was the failure of the antirotation
pin. The antirotation pin in the valve had fallen out; this pin is held in
place by a set screw. It was determined that normal system vibration caused
the set screw to loosen and allowed the antirotation pin to fall out. The
antirotation pin was replaced, the set screw was tightened securely, and the
valve was tested satisfactorily. The valve was a 12-inch globe valve,
manufactured by Blaw-Knox Company.
The event reported in LER 82-047 at James A. Fitzpatrick occurred on October
7, 1982. During normal full-power operation, a reactor scram occurred as the
result of a blockage of the "D" main steam line. Subsequent investigation
revealed that the "D" inboard main steam isolation valve (MSIV) had its disc
separated from the stem, allowing the main disc to drop to the closed
position. The valve disassembly showed that the antirotation pin in the
MSIV disc was sheared allowing the disc to unscrew. The MSIVs were
Rockwell-Edward flow balanced stop valves, Type 1612Y. A new stem and disc
assembly was installed with two antirotation, pins 90 degrees apart.
Specific attention was paid to ensuring an interference fit of the pins. The
valve was reassembled and leak tested satisfactorily. Seven previous
failures of Rockwell-Edward Main steam isolation valves in boiling water
reactors were reported in Information Notice No. 81-28, dated September 3,
1981. These failures all resulted in the main disc becoming disconnected
from the valve stem.
LER 82-066, dated August 18, 1982, provides a description of an event
involving failure of an antirotation device, which occurred at San Onofre 2
on July 19, 1982. While in Mode 3, one auxiliary feedwater (AFW) system
train was rendered inoperable because of the inability of the AFW control
valve to open fully. An action of limiting condition for operation was
initiated. Inspection of the valve revealed that the antirotation
plate/mechanical indicator was bent and jammed against the yoke guide with
the valve in the closed position. The damaged antirotation plate was
replaced. The valve was manufactured by WKM.
The event at Surry 1 is described in LER 83-043. On September 14, 1983,
following a reactor trip from 100% power, it was observed that two main
feedwater regulation valves did not fully close when they received a
feedwater isolation signal from the reactor protection system. Subsequent
licensee investigation indicated that one of these valves did not fully
close because of failure of the stem antirotation device. The second valve
failed for an unrelated reason. The antirotation device was replaced and the
valve stroke was reset. This valve was manufactured by Copes-Vulcan, Inc.
IN 83-70, Supplement 1
March 4, 1985
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No specific action or written response to this notice is required. If you
have any questions regarding this matter, please contract the Regional
Administrator of the appropriate NRC regional office or this office.
Edward L. Jordan Director
Division of Emergency Preparedness
and Engineering Response
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contact: H. Bailey, IE
(301) 492-9006
Attachment: List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021