Information Notice No. 83-59: Dose Assignment for Workers in Non-Uniform Radiation Fields
SSINS No.: 6835
IN 83-59
September 15, 1983
Information Notice No. 83-59: DOSE ASSIGNMENT FOR WORKERS IN
All nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license (OL) or
construction permit (CP), research and test reactors, fuel cycle facilities,
and all material licensees.
This information notice provides guidance to licenses on proper dose
assignment to workers in non-uniform radiation fields. Licensees are
expected to review the information provided for applicability to their
facilities. No specific action or response is required.
Description of Circumstances:
Several power reactor licensees recently asked the NRC for guidance
regarding proper assignment of extremity and whole body doses to workers
involved in a specific steam generator (SG) maintenance activity. In an
effort to reduce SG corrosion rates, licensees are increasing the frequency
of sludge lancing--the removal of tubesheet chemical sludge by high pressure
water jets ("hydrolasing"). Although improved, remote, dose-saving, ALARA
techniques are becoming more available, workers still are required to
manually insert an arm (only one at a time) through an SG handhole to
assemble/disassemble and position sludge lancing equipment. Once the
equipment is positioned, the actual sludge lancing operations can be
performed essentially remotely, without exposing the worker to the high SG
radiation fields. With the arm inserted, the head and trunk of the body are
in a 1/2-1 R/hr radiation field, the upper arm is in a 3 R/hr radiation
field, and the forearm and hand are in a 20-40 R/hr radiation field.
During the course of work the arms are alternated and only one arm at a time
is inserted into the SG. Licensees questioned whether each arm could receive
the allowed quarterly dose, or thinking more conservatively, should the
doses to the individual arms be additive. Additional guidance requested
included defining the whole body areas of the arm. A further question
concerned the applicability of the "skin of the whole body" dose limit to
the hand and forearm (extremity) areas.
IN 83-59
September 15, 1983
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Each arm can receive a dose up to the applicable regulatory limit. More
generally, the dose received by each appendage may be separately determined
and compared to the applicable regulatory limit when irradiation occurs in a
non-uniform field; however, adequate surveys defining the radiation fields
and a thorough dose evaluation must be performed to satisfy existing 10 CFR
Part 20 requirements. Multiple dosimeters may be required to demonstrate
compliance. Licensees are cautioned that increased personal monitoring
vigilance for the remainder of the quarter may be required for affected
workers. Records to satisfy the 20.401 requirements for surveys and
monitoring results will necessarily become more complex.
The NRC staff considers the "hand and forearm" to include the hand, the arm
below the elbow, and the elbow. The whole body is defined in 20.101 to
include gonads, active blood-forming organs, head and trunk, and lens of the
eye; the staff considers the arm above the elbow as part of the whole body.
Thus, for the situation described, monitoring should be provided for the
lower arm area (extremity), the upper arm (part of the whole body), and the
head and trunk of the whole body. If multiple dosimeters are used to monitor
an area of interest (e.g., front and back of the trunk of the whole body),
the dose for record keeping purposes is taken from the highest valid
dosimeter reading.
The limit to "skin of the whole body" (10 CFR Part 20) does not apply to the
skin of the hand and forearm. Dose to the "hands and forearms" including the
skin is limited to 18-3/4 rems in a quarter.
Additional guidance on providing adequate personal monitoring is given in IE
Information Notice No. 81-26, Part 3: Placement of Personnel Monitoring
Devices for External Radiation Exposure (August 28, 1981) and its July 19,
1982 Supplement No. 1: Clarification of Placement of Personnel Monitoring
Devices for External Radiation (see Attachments 1 and 2). If you have any
questions regarding this matter, please contact the Regional Administrator
of the appropriate NRC Regional Office, or this office.
Edward L. Jordan, Director
Division of Emergency Preparedness
and Engineering Response
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contact: J. E. Wigginton, IE
(301) 492-4967
1. Information Notice No. 81-26, Part 3
2. Information Notice No. 81-26, Part 3, Supplement 1
3. List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021