Information Notice No. 83-26: Failure of Safety/Relief Valve Discharge Line Vacuum Breakers
SSINS No.: 6835
IN 83-26
May 3, 1983
All nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license (OL) or
construction permit (CP).
This information notice is provided as an early notification of a
potentially significant problem pertaining to recently installed vacuum
breakers on safety/ relief discharge lines on boiling water reactors. It is
expected that the recipients will review the information for applicability
to their facilities. No specific action or response is required at this
Description of Circumstances:
Browns Ferry Unit 1 Event
Following a reactor scram on February 5, 1983 at Browns Ferry Unit 1, three
safety relief valves (SRVs), each with a capacity of approximately 865,000
lb/hr, cycled to control pressure. One SRV stayed partially open, after
which, unidentified leakage in the drywell increased to greater than 5 gpm.
The primary system was depressurized at a slow rate and a cold shutdown was
initiated. During the cooldown the unidentified leak was traced to a vacuum
breaker (10" GPE check valve) on the discharge line of the leaking SRV. The
vacuum breaker hinge pin appeared to be damaged, causing the vacuum breaker
to stick partially open. The licensee replaced the solenoid and pilot
cartridge on the SRV and replaced the leaking vacuum breaker. The licensee
then inspected all the SRV vacuum breakers and found that four others were
damaged and these were also replaced. All three SRVs that actuated following
the scram were scheduled to be cycled during the forthcoming startup at 250
psig to ensure proper operation.
On February 8, 1983 with Unit 1 heating up at 178 psig and prior to the
planned testing of the SRVs, the previously failed SRV again started to leak
(Information Notice No. 83-22). The drywell unidentified leakage again
increased to greater than 5 gpm. After cooling down it was discovered that
the SRV discharge line vacuum breaker was again damaged.
Peach Bottom Unit 2 Event
During a startup on October 24, 1982 with the reactor pressure at 832 psig,
relief valve 71J with a capacity of approximately 830,000 lb/hr opened. The
IN 83-26
May 3, 1983
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resulting vessel level swell tripped the operating reactor feed pump on a
high level signal and the unit subsequently scrammed on a low level signal
because the loss of feedwater. The relief valve remained open until the
reactor pressure dropped to 80 psig. During an inspection of the relief
valve discharge line piping it was discovered that the vacuum breakers (8"
Anderson Greenwood check valves) for this valve and a second relief valve
that was actuated during the transient were damaged. Both vacuum breakers
showed some binding on the hinge pin such that the normal spring pressure
was insufficient to close them. The two vacuum breakers were replaced.
The 10" vacuum breakers on the SRV discharge lines at Browns Ferry Unit 1
were installed during the previous refueling outage for relief valve
second-pop transient protection.
The 8" vacuum breakers on the relief valve discharge lines at Peach Bottom
Unit 2 were installed in July 1980. These vacuum breakers were also
installed for relief valve second-pop transient protection. This transient
in the relief valve discharge line is postulated to result from a failure of
the previously installed small vacuum breakers to quickly equalize pressure
in the relief valve discharge lines during the closing and rapid reopening
(typically at 15 seconds) of the relief valves. Some recently licensed
plants are using the low-low set point relief function in lieu of vacuum
breakers for second-pop protection.
No written response to this information notice is required. If you need
additional information regarding this matter, please contact the appropriate
NRC Regional Office or this office.
Edward L. Jordan, Director
Division of Emergency Preparedness
and Engineering Response
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Contact: P. R. Farron
(301) 492-4766
List of Recently Issued Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021