Information Notice No. 83-21: Defective Emergency-Use Respirator
SSINS No.: 6835
IN 83-21
April 15, 1983
All nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license (OL) or
construction permit (CP), research and test reactors, fuel cycle licensees,
and Priority I material licensees.
This Information Notice is provided to inform licensees of a defective part
found in some BioPak 60P respirators manufactured by Rexnord, Inc. The
defective part was found at an operating nuclear reactor facility. The nature
of this deficiency could cause immediate, harmful effects to the user's upper
respiratory tract. The BioPak 60P is a 60-minute closed circuit,
recirculating mode, positive pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus-
rebreather (SCBA-R). Its National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) test and certification (TC) number is TC-13F-85. It is
expected that licensees will review the information for applicability to
their facilities. Further NRC action may result from feedback from the
ongoing NIOSH review effort.
Description of Circumstances:
During the week of January 17, 1983, Southern California Edison Company
employees at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) conducted a
routine, semi-annual overhaul of 71 BioPak 60P respirators. Seven carbon-
dioxide (CO(2)) absorber's "scrubber pads" had disintegrated, allowing the
C0(2) chemical absorber (sodasorb) to escape outside the canister area. The
"scrubber pad" acts to retain the sodasorb within the canister. The sodasorb
canisters (batch numbers AM07-B-720-22 and AL04-B-720-3) were received from
Rexnord in November 1981 and installed in the respirators in June 1982.
Approximately 1200 defective pads were produced and, of these, approximately
200 were distributed to various customers before the error was discovered and
corrected. These defective pads can be distinguished by their charcoal,
blackish color. The manufacturer has told the NRC that essentially all
recipients of these defective parts have been notified.
NIOSH considers the use of defective parts to invalidate the TC approval of
respiratory equipment. NRC regulations (10 CFR 20.103) prohibit the use of
emergency respiratory equipment unless specifically certified by NIOSH.
The seven SONGS defective respirators had been designated for emergency use
only and stored in emergency equipment cabinets. The licensee reported that
this equipment had not been issued to or used by any individual.
IN 83-21
April 15, 1983
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Loss of integrity of the sodasorb canister could reduce the effectiveness of
C0(2) removal from the user's closed-circuit, recirculating air supply. Of
more potential immediate importance, however, is the possible carryover of
the chemical absorber from the canister area into the breathing chamber.
Inhalation of the BioPak 60P's sodasorb could cause pulmonary irritation to
the respiratory tract. Contact with the skin and eyes also could cause local
Since the BioPaK 60P is authorized for use in atmospheres that are
immediately dangerous to life and health, deficiencies as noted above could
have significant impact on respirator-user safety. The NRC has notified
NIOSH of the SONGS event and has kept NIOSH apprised of the manufacturer's
actions to resolve the problem.
If you need additional information about this matter, please contact the
Regional Administrator of the appropriate NRC Regional office or this office.
Edward L. Jordan, Director
Division of Emergency Preparedness
and Engineering Response
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contacts: L. Hendricks, RES
(301) 443-5970
J. Wigginton, IE
(301) 492-4967
List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021