Information Notice No. 83-06: Nonidentical Replacement Parts
SSINS No.: 6835
IN 83-06
February 24, 1983
All nuclear power plant facilities holding an operating license (OL) or
construction permit (CP).
This information notice is provided as a notification of continuing problems
with replacement parts which differed sufficiently from the parts, they
replaced to cause improper operation of the components. It is expected that
recipients will review the information for applicability to their
facilities. No specific action or response is required.
Description of Circumstances:
In October 1980, Beaver Valley filed an LER reporting the failure of a pump
discharge check valve to seat properly when the pump was shut down. The
licensee attributed the problem to binding between an anti-rotation device
on the valve disc and the disc swing arm. Since this was the third time the
licensee had experienced similar problems with this style of Velan valves,
after correcting the immediate problem, additional efforts were directed
toward longer term resolution. As described in greater detail (Attachment
1), the licensee found that replacement discs, installed as part of leakage
correction maintenance, differed from the original discs enough to cause the
problem. A total of 24 valves of this make and type are installed at the
facility. To finally resolve this problem, spare compatible discs were
installed, and maintenance procedures were improved. All 24 valves now have
had compatible discs installed.
Other examples are cited below where replacement parts were found to be
unacceptably different from those they replaced.
AEC Regulatory Operations Bulletin 74-06 issued in May 1974 described a
situation where the manufacturer determined that certain Westinghouse Type
W-2 control switches could be defective, and recommended inspection and any
necessary repair. Examination of repair kits that were supplied showed that
some of the replacement parts were unacceptable.
IN 83-06
February 24, 1983
Page 2 of 2
IE Bulletin 75-03 issued in March 1975, described a situation where ASCO
operated air pilot valves required heavier upper disc springs than lower
disc springs. The springs are intended to be color coded and carry different
part numbers, but otherwise appear generally identical. In 1975, some repair
kits contained the wrong springs.
Information Notice No. 82-56, issued in December 1982, identified a
situation where three different modifications of Robertshaw control valves
and parts are known to be in use, for which depending on circumstances, a
valve or replacement part may or may not be interchangeable.
TVA reported another example in December 1982. TVA ordered battery chargers
for Bellefonte from Power Conversion Products, Inc. (PCP). To satisfy
Bellefonte specifications, PCP modified standard circuit boards. Apparently
the standard part identification was not changed. When TVA ordered
replacement boards by part number, standard boards were supplied. When the
replacement boards were installed, the chargers operated erratically.
No written response to this notice is required. If you have any questions
regarding these matters, please contact the Administrator of the appropriate
NRC Regional Office or this office.
Edward L. Jordan Director
Division of Emergency Preparedness
and Engineering Response
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contact: J. B. Henderson
1. LER PABVS1 80-074-03X, Rev. 1 with attachment
2. List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021