Information Notice No. 81-29: Equipment Qualification Testing Experience
SSINS No.: 6835
Accession No.:
IN 81-29
September 24, 1981
The following Test Summary Report numbers 1 through 10 summarize information
received by NRC during the period from April 1, to August 31, 1981 regarding
adverse results from equipment testing. It should be noted that only the
adverse test results that have come to the attention of NRC during this
period are provided. Adverse test results obtained during the equipment
development phase is not required to be reported to NRC. NRC does not intend
to publish successful qualification test results except for equipment
previously published as an adverse test result. Those successful tests will
only be published as they are voluntarily brought to the attention of NRC by
IN 81-29
September 24, 1981
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Equipment Qualification Notice No. 1 - Test Summary Report No. 1
Equipment: Limitorque Valve Operator, Type SMB, Size 00
Test Facility: Limitorque Corporation
Cognizant Design and/or Test: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Failed Component: Valve Operator Drive Motor (manufactured by Reliance
Electric Co.)
Type of Test: Environmental Qualification of SMB Class Valve Operators per
IEEE 323-1974 (Harsh Environment) and IEEE 382-1972
Description of Failure(s):
Failures 1 & 2 (Dates: 2/28/81 and 4/7/81)
Motors failed during attempted valve operator cycling 9 hours and 21
hours, respectively, after initiation of steam spray during performance
of the high-energy line break (HELB) accident profile. Complete valve
operators had been pre-aged in accordance with IEEE 323-1974.
Failure 3 (Date: 5/1/81)
Motor failed during attempted valve operator cycling 10 days after
initiation of steam spray for HELB accident profile. No pre-aging had
been performed.
Failure Mode: Failures were mechanical (motor bearings) and electrical
(stator winding). There was evidence of steam and chemical flow-through in
the motor.
Possible Corrective Action Considerations: Motor modifications, test chamber
design environmental profile requirement review for possible reduction in
maximum test temperature may be required for corrective action.
Generic Implications: Similar units, including units in operation, have
successfully passed environmental qualification in accordance with IEEE
323-1971 and earlier standards under less severe test conditions.
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September 24, 1981
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Equipment Qualification Notice No. 2 - Test Summary Report No. 1
Equipment: ITT Barton Lot 4 Transmitters, Group A
Test Facility: Westinghouse - Forest Hills
Cognizant Design and/or Test Agency: Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Failed Component: Not determined
Type of Test: Environmental Qualification of ITT Barton Lot 4 Transmitters,
Group A (3 Pressure and 3 Differential Pressure Transmitters Tested,
4/6/81 through 4/27/81)
Description of Failure(s):
1. Two DP transmitters exhibited noisy output followed by erroneous
output during second temperature ramp of the HELB accident
profile. Output returned to normal over the following 24 hours,
but the failure recurred at end of postaccident period on one
2. One pressure transmitter exhibited noise and erroneous output for
forty minutes during the second temperature ramp of HELB accident
profile. Its output then returned to normal for the remainder of
the test.
Possible Corrective Action Considerations: Manufacturer is investigating the
failures, concentrating on aging methodology, test setup, and duplicating
test conditions to establish failure mechanisms.
Generic Implications: Units are identical to Lot 2 units that have
successfully passed environmental qualification in accordance with IEEE
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Equipment Qualification Notice No. 3 - Test Summary Report No. 1
Equipment: D. G. O'Brien Electrical Penetration Assembly, Model K Connectors
Test Facility: Sandia National Laboratories/Division 4445
Cognizant Design and/or Test Agency: NRC/RES, IE
Failed Component: Conductors shorted at connector
Type of Test: Simulated LOCA Environmental Test to Examine Methodology
Description of Failure(s): The grommet used in the connector expanded as the
result of exposure to high aging and loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA)
environmental temperatures. The extrusion of the grommet sealing material
stripped insulation from the conductors resulting in electrical grounding
during the steam/chemical spray test conditions. (See also IE Information
Notice 81-20.)
Failure Mode: Insulation was removed as a result of the force of the
expanding grommet material. Connector assemblies were retightened prior
and subsequent to thermal aging. This process contributed to the failure.
Possible Corrective Action Considerations: Additional testing of the
connector is being performed by Duke Power Co. and will be reviewed by
NRC. No additional testing will be performed by NRC on the electrical
penetration assembly.
Generic Implications: Application of Model K connectors is limited to the
Catawba, McGuire and Yankee Rowe facilities. qualification tests to
earlier standards were successfully performed by Duke Power and D. G.
O'Brien on the Model K connectors for the McGuire plant. (See IE
Information Notice 81-20 for more detailed information regarding earlier
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Equipment Qualification Notice No. 4 - Test Summary Report No. 1
Equipment: Dresser Safety Valve, Model 317009NA
Test Facility: Combustion Engineering (CE)
Cognizant Design and/or Test Agency: Electrical Power Research Institute
Failed Component: Not identified
Type of Test: Performance Testing for Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Relief
and Safety Valves
Description of Failure(s): On June 3, 1981, a full-pressure steam test was
performed on the subject safety valve. During the test, the valve did not
close at the predetermined pressure and reopened at a pressure below the
original set point after the valve had closed. The valve did not meet
EPRI's safety valve screening criteria.
Failure Mode: Disassembly of the valve disclosed galling of guiding surfaces
and damaged internal parts.
Possible Corrective Action Considerations: Undergoing evaluation
Generic Implications: EPRI advises the following: (1) no operating plant
has this valve installed; and (2) the following unlicensed plants plan to
utilize them -- Bellefonte 1 & 2; cherokee 1, 2,3; Palo Verde 1, 2, 3;
Perkins 1, 2, 3; and WPPSS 2 & 4.
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September 24, 1981
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Equipment Qualification Notice No. 5 - Test Summary Report No. 1
Equipment: Dresser Safety Valve, Model 31739A
Test Facility: Combustion Engineering
Cognizant Design and/or Test Agency: Electrical Power Research Institute
Failed Component: Not determined
Type of Test: Performance Testing for PWR Relief and Safety Valves
Description of Failure(s): On June 25, 1981, a high ramp rate, high back
pressure steam test was performed on the subject valve. During the test,
rated flow was not achieved. The valve did not meet the EPRI valve
screening criteria.
Failure Mode: Not determined
Possible Corrective Action Considerations: Continue testing and data
Generic Implications: EPRI advises the following: the Dresser 31739A safety
valve is being used or will be used on the following plants--Calvert
Cliffs 1 & 2; Palisades, Midland 1 & 2; Oconee 1, 2, & 3; Crystal River 3;
TMI-1; and Millstone 2.
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September 24, 1981
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Equipment Qualification Notice No. 6 - Test Summary Report No. 1
Equipment: Dresser Power-Operated Relief Valve (PORV) Model No. 31533VX-30
Test Facility: Wyle Laboratories
Cognizant Design and/or Test Agency: Electrical Power Research Institute
Failed Component: Not determined
Type of Test: EPRI/PWR Safety and Relief Valve Test Program
Description of Failure(s): On May 19 and 20, 1981, a full-pressure water
seal simulation test was performed. On May 20, 1981, full-pressure steam
and full-pressure water seal simulation tests were performed on the
subject valve. During the water tests, the valve remained open for 2
seconds (5/19/81) and 75 seconds (5/20/81) after receipt of a closure
signal. The valve did not meet the EPRI screening criteria (failure to
close on demand).
Failure Mode: Not determined. Disassembly and inspection did not reveal
damage that might affect the ability of the valve to open or close on
Possible Corrective Action Considerations: Continue testing and data
Generic Implications:Information indicates the valve is to be installed in
CE and B&W PWRs. Fort Calhoun has loop seals upstream of Dresser PORVs.
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Equipment Qualification Notice No. 7 - Test Summary Report No. 1
Equipment: Target Rock Power-Operated Relief Valve (PORV) Mode 80X-006-1
Test Facility: Wyle Laboratories
Cognizant Design and/or Test Agency: Electrical Power Research Institute
Failed Component: Not determined
Type of Test: EPRI/PWR Safety and Relief Valve Test Program
Description of Failure(s): On April 29, 1981, a full-pressure (2500 psi)
loop seal simulation test was performed on the subject valve. During the
water test, the valve remained open for 12 seconds upon deenergizing the
valve for closure, and then closed. The valve did not pass EPRI's
screening criteria.
Failure Mode: Not determined. Disassembly did not reveal any damage that
would affect future testing.
Possible Corrective Action Considerations: Continue testing and data
Generic Implications: Information indicates that there are presently no
valves of this design in operating plants but they are planned for use in
some plants under construction.
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September 24, 1981
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Equipment Qualification Notice No. 8 - Test Summary Report No. 1
Equipment: Control Components Inc. (CCI) PORV
Test Facility: Wyle Laboratories
Cognizant Design and/or Test Agency: Electrical Power Research Institute
Failed Component: Not determined
Type of Test: EPRI/PWR Safety and Relief Valve Program
Description of Failure(s): On July 1 and 2, 1981, during steam tests
utilizing spring force only for valve closure, valve remained open for
approximately 3 seconds prior to closure. The valve did not pass EPRI's
screening criteria.
Failure Mode: Not determined
Possible Corrective Action Considerations: Continue testing and data
Generic Implications: Information indicates that the CCI PORV is being used
or will be used on McGuire 1 & 2 and Catawba 1 & 2.
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Equipment Qualification Notice No. 9 - Test Summary Report No. 1
Equipment: Crosby Safety Valve 3K6
Test Facility: Combustion Engineering
Cognizant Design and/or Test Agency: Electrical Power Research Institute
Failed Component: Not determined
Type of Test: Steam, Low and High Ramp Rate, High Back Pressure Test
Description of Failure(s):
8/11/81 - Shortly after test initiation the valve experienced oscillations
8/13/81 - During steam test, performed at low and high ramp rates, valve
closed at a pressure lower than the EPRI blowdown criteria of
2250 psia (approx. 2210 psia).
8/7/81 - Valve oscillated during set-point check using air-assist devices.
Failure Mode: Not determined
Possible Corrective Action Considerations: Not determined
Generic Implications: Information indicates that the Crosby Safety Valve 3K6
is being used or will be used on St. Lucie 1 & 2 and Fort Calhoun.
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September 24, 1981
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Equipment Qualification Notice No. 10 - Test Summary Report No. 1
Equipment: ASCO Solenoid Valves
Test Facility: ASCO/Isomedix, Inc./Wyle Laboratories
Cognizant Design and/or Test Agency: Automatic Switch Co. (ASCO)
Failed Component: Viton Elastomer Seals in NP 8300 Series Valves
Type of Test: Radiation Simulation for Design Basis Event (DBE)
Description of Failure(s): Recent radiation simulation tests resulted in
failure of the valves to shift position. The Viton seals break down when
submitted to gamma radiation exposure in excess of 20 megarads, adhere to
the brass surfaces, and prevent solenoid operation.
Failure Mode: Solenoid valve will not shift position upon receipt of an
operating signal.
Possible Corrective Action Considerations: Replace Viton Elastomers with
Ethylene Propylene elastomers on valves required to operate under accident
conditions following a DBE. [Note: Ethylene Propylene Elastomers do not
break down when exposed to postulated normal service plus DBE gamma
radiation dose rates. Information Notice No. 80-11 addressed replacement of
Ethylene Propylene Elastomers with Viton Elastomers because of failures
resulting from inadvertent oil entrainment.].
Generic Implications: All ASCO Valves Series NP 8300 with Viton Elastomers
use in Class 1E circuits and are exposed to gamma radiation in excess of
20 megarads. Additional information will be issued following receipt of
the vendors final test report.
Recently issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021