Circulars - 1981 Index

Document Number Title Revision Publish Date Reviewed Date
CR-81-15 Unnecessary Radiation Exposures to the Public and Workers During Events Involving Thickness and Level Measuring Devices -- 12/08/1981 --
CR-81-14 Main Steam Isolation Valve Failures to Close -- 11/05/1981 --
CR-81-13 Torque Switch Electrical Bypass Circuit for Safeguard Service Valve Motors -- 09/25/1981 --
CR-81-12 Inadequate Periodic Test Procedure of PWR Reactor Protection System -- 07/22/1981 --
CR-81-11 Inadequate Decay Heat Removal During Reactor Shutdown -- 07/24/1981 --
CR-81-10 Steam Voiding in the Reactor Coolant System During Decay Heat Removal Cooldown -- 07/02/1981 --
CR-81-09 Containment Effluent Water that Bypasses Radioactivity Monitor -- 07/10/1981 --
CR-81-08 Foundation Materials -- 05/29/1981 --
CR-81-07 Control of Radioactively Contaminated Material -- 05/14/1981 --
CR-81-06 Potential Deficiency Affecting Certain Foxboro 10 to 50 Milliampere Transmitters -- 04/14/1981 --
CR-81-05 Self-Aligning Rod End Bushings for Pipe Supports -- 03/31/1981 --
CR-81-04 The Role of Shift Technical Advisors and Importance of Reporting Operational Events -- 04/30/1981 --
CR-81-03 Inoperable Seismic Monitoring Instrumentation -- 03/02/1981 --
CR-81-02 Performance of NRC-Licensed Individuals while on Duty -- 02/09/1981 --
CR-81-01 Design Problems Involving Indicating Pushbutton Switches Manufactured by Honeywell Incorporated -- 01/23/1981 --