IE Circular No. 78-19, Manual Override (Bypass) of Safety Actuation Signals
December 28, 1978
MEMORANDUM FOR: B. H. Grier, Director, Region I
J. P. O'Reilly, Director, Region II
J. G. Keppler, Director, Region III
K. V. Seyfrit, Director, Region IV
R. H. Engelken, Director, Region V
FROM: Harold D. Thornburg, Director, Division of Reactor
Construction Inspection, IE
The subject document is transmitted for issuance on December 29, 1978. The
Circular should be issued to all power reactor facilities with a
construction permit. This matter has been conveyed to all power reactor
facilities with an operating license via a generic letter from the NRR
Operating Reactor Branches. Also enclosed is a draft copy of the transmittal
Harold D. Thornburg, Director
Division of Reactor Construction
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
1. IE Circular No. 78-19
2. Draft Transmittal Letter
CONTACT: W. R. Rutherford, IE
(Draft letter to all power reactor facilities with a construction permit)
IE Circular No. 78-19
The enclosed Circular 78-19 is forwarded to you for information. If there
are any questions related to your understanding of the requested actions,
please contact this office.
(Regional Director)
1. IE Circular No. 78-19
2. List of IE Circulars
Issued in 1978
December 29, 1978
IE Circular No. 78-19
Description of Circumstances:
A review of several recent events has raised questions about safety system
circuit designs which incorporate manual override (bypass) features. The two
events described below directly relate to the practice of containment
purging during normal plant operation by manually overriding containment
isolation signals. In these instances the automatic isolation function of
the purge system containment isolation valves was unintentionally made
inoperable, and this condition was neither continuously indicated in the
control room nor known to the plant operators.
During a review of operating procedures on July 25, 1978, the Northeast
Nuclear Energy Company discovered that since May 1, 1978, intermittent
containment purge operations had been conducted at Millstone Unit No. 2 with
the safety actuation isolation signals to both inlet and outlet redundant
containment isolation valves (48 inch butterfly valves) in the purge inlet
and outlet penetrations manually overridden and inoperable. The isolation
signals which are required to automatically close the purge valves for
containment integrity were manually overridden to allow purging of
containment with a high radiation signal present. The manual override
circuitry designed by the plant's architect/engineer defeated not only the
high radiation signal but also all other isolation signals to these valves.
To manually override a safety actuation signal, the operator cycles the
valve control switch to the closed position and then to the open position.
This action energized a relay which blocked the safety signal and allowed
manual operation independent of any safety actuation signal. This circuitry
was designed to permit reopening these valves after an accident to allow
manual operation of certain safety equipment.
On September 8, 1978, the Public Service Electric and Gas Company advised
the staff that, as a matter of routine, Salem Unit No. 1 has been venting
the containment through the containment ventilation system valves to reduce
pressure. In certain instances this venting has occurred with the
containment high particulate radiation monitor isolation signal to the purge
and pressure-vacuum relief valves overridden. Override of
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IE Circular No. 78-19 December 29, 1978
the containment isolation signal was accomplished by resetting the train A
and B reset buttons. Under these circumstances, six valves in the
containment vent and purge systems could be opened with a high particulate
isolation signal present. This override was performed after verifying that
the actual containment particulate levels were acceptable for venting. The
licensee, after further investigation of this practice, determined that the
reset of the particulate alarm also bypasses the containment isolation
signal to the purge valves and that the purge valves would not have
automatically closed in the event of an emergency core cooling system (ECCS)
safety injection signal.
These events and information gained from recent licensing actions have
raised a generic concern relative to potential design deficiencies that
could permit manually defeating a protection function. Since all plants with
construction permits must meet the requirements of IEEE 279, we recommend
that you review the design of all safety actuation signal circuits which
incorporate a manual override feature to ensure that overriding of one
safety actuation signal does not also cause the bypass of any other safety
actuation signal, that sufficient physical features are provided to
facilitate adequate administrative controls, and that the use of each such
manual override is annunciated at the system level for every system
Compliance with Federal Regulation 50.55a(h) requirements will be verified
by NRC through the licensing review process and during regular onsite
inspections for plants with construction permits. NRC's requirements
relative to this matter have been conveyed to all operating plant licensee's
via a generic letter.
No written response to this Circular is required. If you require additional
information regarding this matter, contact the Director of the appropriate
NRC Regional Office.
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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021