Bulletin 79-01B: Supplement No. 3, Environmental Qualification of Class IE Equipment
SSINS No.: 6820
Accession No.:
IEB Sup #3 to 79-01B
October 24, 1980
IE Bulletin No. 79-01B Supplement No. 3: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION OF
Description of Circumstances:
Two issues were raised by Supplement No. 2 which require clarification.
These are: (1) the dates required for submittal of qualification information
for TMI related equipment, and (2) whether the equipment required to achieve
a Cold Shutdown condition must be environmentally qualified if the licensing
basis for the plant was a Hot Safe Shutdown condition.
(1) Supplement No. 2 (Q.1, Q.5) addressed the minimum cold shutdown
requirements. The staff position on this issue is that the licensee
must identify and environmentally qualify the equipment needed to
complete one method (path) of achieving and maintaining a cold shutdown
condition. The equipment of other paths must be reviewed to assure that
its failure will not aggravate or contribute to the accident (ref. Q.5
Supp. No. 2).
Due to an inconsistency between Supplement No. 1 and Supplement No. 2,
the staff position on this issue was unclear. Therefore, the following
will apply:
a. The qualification information for equipment needed to achieve and
maintain a Hot Safe Shutdown condition must be submitted not later
than November 1, 1980.
b. The qualification information for equipment required to achieve
and maintain a Cold Shutdown condition (ref. Q.1 and Q.5 of
Supplement No. 2) must be submitted not later than February 1,
(2) IEB 79-01B required a 90 day response which was due in mid-April 1980.
Supplement 1 (Feb. 1980) informed licensees that equipment which was
"planned" to be installed as a result of lessons learned need not be
addressed in that response. Some of this equipment has since been
installed. Supplement No. 2 (Q.5, Q.21) identified that the staff
position was that equipment which is installed should be treated in a
manner similar to all other safety-related electrical equipment and be
addressed in the November 1, 1980 submittal. This position represents
no change in staff position regarding the scope of the review. However,
since the staff position on this issue was unclear the following will
a. Qualification information for installed TMI Action Plan equipment
must be submitted by February 1, 1981.
b. Qualification information for future TMI Action Plan equipment
(ref. NUREG-0737, when issued), which requires NRC pre-
implementation review, must be submitted with the
pre-implementation review data.
IEB 79-01B Sup #3
October 24, 1980
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c. Qualification information for TMI Action Plan equipment currently
under NRC review should be submitted as soon as possible.
d. Qualification information for TMI Action Plan equipment not yet
installed which does not require pre-implementation review should
be submitted to NRC for review by the implementation date.
The above items 1 and 2 represent no change in staff position regarding the
scope of the 79-01B Supplement 2 review.
IE Bulletin No. 79-01B was issued under a blanket GAO clearance (B18O225
(ROO72), clearance expired July 31, 1980) specifically for identified
generic problems. Supplement No. 3 to Bulletin 79-018 is for information,
hence no GAO clearance is required.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021