Licensee Name and
NRC Action Number |
Action Type
(Severity) &
Civil Penalty
(if any |
Date |
Description |
Laboratory Testing Services, LLC, CT
EA-10-069 |
(SL III) |
07/06/2010 |
On July 6, 2010, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation to Laboratory Testing Services, LLC (LTS) for a Severity Level III problem involving three violations. The first violation involved a failure to confine possession and use of byproduct material to the location authorized by the license, as required by 10 CFR 30.34(c). Specifically, the licensee possessed and used portable gauges at a location not authorized by the license. The second violation involved a failure to have an individual named on the license as a Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), as required by the license. Specially, the RSO named in the license left the company in June 2008, and the licensee failed to have an RSO approved by the NRC. The third violation involved a failure to obtain written consent from the NRC before transferring ownership of LTS to HAKS Material Testing Company (HAKS), as required by 10 CFR 30.34(b). Specifically, on January 14, 2010, LTS transferred ownership control of the license to HAKS without the Commission's written consent. |
EA-15-026 |
(SL III) |
06/22/2015 |
On June 22, 2015, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation to Dairyland Cooperative for a Severity Level III Problem involving two violations identified as a result of an inspection at its La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor (LACBWR) independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI). The first violation involved the failure to submit a license amendment to the NRC for changes to the LACBWR Emergency Plan that reduced its effectiveness prior to implementing the changes as required by 10 CFR 50.54(q)(4). Specifically, on October 29, 2012, the licensee implemented changes that reduced the effectiveness of the LACBWR Emergency Plan and failed to submit a license amendment application to the NRC prior to implementing the changes. The second violation involved several examples where the licensee failed to maintain the effectiveness of its Emergency Plan as required by 10 CFR 50.54(q)(2). Specifically, on several occasions between September 20, 2012, and September 8, 2014, the licensee failed to follow approved Emergency Plan normal and night shift staffing requirements. In addition, from June 20, 2011, through December 31, 2013, the licensee failed to follow its approved Emergency Plan for conducting exercises and drills. Specifically, the licensee failed to perform an annual plant emergency exercise from 2011 through 2013; and failed to perform certain plant and ISFSI annual drills between 2011 and 2013, including fire drills in 2011 and 2012, a medical drill in 2013, and a health physics drill in 2012. |
Lakeland Medical Center, MI
EA-12-202 |
(SL III) |
12/06/2012 |
On December 6, 2012, a Notice of Violation was issued to Lakeland Medical Center for a Severity Level III violation involving the failure to ensure that a written directive to administer I-131 sodium iodide greater than 30 microcuries was signed by an authorized user as required by 10 CFR 35.40(a). Specifically, on three separate occasions, one each on February 28, February 29, and March 20, 2012, 2-milicurie diagnostic dosages of I-131 sodium iodide were administered and the individual that signed the written directives was not listed as an authorized user. |
Lancaster General Hospital, PA
EA-05-124 |
(SL III) |
10/28/2005 |
On October 28, 2005, a Notice of Violation was issued for a Severity Level III problem composed of three violations. The violations involved (1) a programmatic weakness in the licensee's gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery program which resulted in an overexposure to a patient; (2) the licensee's failure to notify the NRC that the frame of the gamma knife unit, a basic component designed to prevent movement of the head during treatment, did not prevent the change of the treatment site coordinates; and (3) the licensee's failure to report the medical event within the required period. |
Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc., NJ
EA-09-253 |
(SL III) |
10/13/2009 |
On October 13, 2009, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation to Langan Engineering & Environmental Services, Inc. for a Severity Level III violation involving the failure to control and maintain constant surveillance of licensed material as required by 10 CFR 20.1802. Specifically, on June 29, 2009, the licensee's authorized user left unattended a portable moisture/density gauge in an unrestricted area for a short period of time. During the time that the licensee did not maintain control and constant surveillance of the gauge, it was damaged by construction equipment that was operating in the unrestricted area. |
Lankenau Hospital, PA
EA-03-147 |
(SL III) |
08/21/2003 |
On August 21, 2003, a Notice of Violation was issued for a Severity Level III violation involving the licensee's failure to secure from unauthorized removal or limit access to licensed material (763 millicuries of iridium-192) located in an unrestricted area, and failure to control and maintain constant surveillance of this licensed material. |
Lantheus Medical Imaging, PR
EA-19-068 |
$7,500 |
04/23/2020 |
On April 23, 2020, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $7,500 to Lantheus Medical Imaging (Licensee) for a Severity Level III problem associated with two related violations for deliberate misconduct by a former senior technical support specialist and a SL III violation for the licensee's failure to comply with a condition of its NRC license. The first two violations involved the licensee's failure to: (1) monitor the occupational radiation exposure of a former employee as required by Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Section 20.1502, and (2) provide related information to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) that was complete and accurate in all material respects, as required by 10 CFR 30.9(a). The third violation involved the licensee's failure to comply with Condition 12 of its NRC license, which required that licensed material shall be used by, or under the supervision of, an individual specifically named in the license. Specifically, between January 2014 and December 2017, the licensee did not monitor occupational exposure to radiation from licensed sources and because a former employee did not always wear required dosimetry, his annual exposure to radiation could have excessed the regulatory limit. Additionally, on August 15, 2018, the licensee terminated the employment of the supervising individual listed in Condition 12 of its NRC license, and the license amendment request was not submitted until September 21, 2018. |
Law Engineering, Inc., VA
EA-96-108 |
(SL III) |
06/13/1996 |
Failure to comply with emergency procedrue and transportation violations. |
Law Engineering, Inc., OK
EA-97-433 |
(SL III) |
11/17/1997 |
Failure to maintain security over licensed material. |
Law Engineering and Environmental Services Inc., PR
EA 00-302;
EA 00-304 |
(SL III) |
01/24/2001 |
On January 24, 2001, a Notice of Violation was issued for a Severity Level III problem and a Severity Level III violation involving an event that occurred during a radiography source exchange. The Severity Level III problem involved: (1) failure to survey, (2) failure to follow procedures in accordance with manufacturer's instruction, (3) failure to receive proper training prior to use, and (4) failure to perform required visual and operability check prior to using the source changer. The Severity Level III violation involved the radiographer's and Radiation Safety Officer's failure to stop activities and read the survey meter upon the sounding of the alarm ratemeter. |
Ledoux & Company, NJ
EA-05-135 |
$3,250 |
11/01/2005 |
On November 01, 2005, a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $3,250 was issued for a Severity Level III problem involving the failures to adequately survey, secure and dispose of licensed material in accordance with NRC requirements. Specifically, the licensee received a package containing seven analytical samples of uranium-235, identified six of the seven samples shipped, and performed an unsuccessful cursory search for the seventh sample. After initiating a more thorough search, the licensee concluded that the seventh sample had been disposed of with the packaging as normal trash. |
Lee M.D., Philip J. W., HI
EA-97-038 |
(SL III) |
04/16/1997 |
Misadministration relating to a Sr-90 eye applicator |
Lehigh Cement Company, LLC
Mitchell, IN
EA-16-153 |
(SL III) |
12/07/2016 |
On December 7, 2016, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation to Lehigh Cement Company, LLC, for a Severity Level III violation. The violation involved the failure to have the individual specifically named on the NRC license fulfill the duties of the Radiation Safety Officer as required by License Condition No. 11. Specifically, the Radiation Safety Officer left the company on November 13, 2014, and the licensee did not submit an amendment request to the NRC until March 7, 2016. |
L.E. Gregg Associates, KY
EA-12-108 |
(SL III) |
07/27/2012 |
On July 27, 2012, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation to L.E. Gregg Associates for a Severity Level III violation. The violation involved a failure to file NRC Form 241 "Report of Proposed Activities in Non-Agreement States," at least three days prior to engaging in licensed activities within NRC jurisdiction, as required by 10 CFR 150.20(b). Specifically, on December 12-16, 2011, January 5-7, 2012, and February 21-24, 2012, L.E. Gregg Associates, which only holds a Kentucky (Agreement State) license, used and stored a portable nuclear gauge at temporary jobsites in West Virginia (non-Agreement State), without obtaining a specific license issued by the NRC or filing NRC Form-241, at least three days before engaging in such activity. |
LGC Global Corporation
Detroit, MI
EA-20-113 |
$22,500 |
05/06/2021 |
On May 6, 2021, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation (NOV), and a Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $22,500, through the exercise of enforcement discretion, to LGC Global Corporation (licensee) for a severity level III violation. Specifically, beginning July 22, 2019, the licensee possessed radioactive material without a license as required by 10 CFR 30.3 for two moisture density gauges and two hand-held x-ray analyzers. Further, consistent with the conditions of the NOV, the licensee completed proper transfer of the material and submitted appropriate documentation within 30 days of the NOV, and therefore, the civil penalty was not imposed. |
Lhoist North America |
(SL III) |
03/08/2024 |
On March 8, 2024, the NRC issued a notice of violation (Notice) to Lhoist North America (licensee) for a Severity Level (SL) III violation. The SL III violation involved the licensee’s failure to have a radiation safety officer as required by license condition 12 of its NRC Materials License 11-27434-01. The Notice also included three SLIV violations. |
Liberty Hospital, MO
EA-11-109 |
(SL III) |
07/22/2011 |
On July 22, 2011, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation to Liberty Hospital for a Severity Level III violation involving the failure to develop written procedures to provide high confidence that each administration was in accordance with the written directive as required by 10 CFR 35.41(a). Specifically, as of October 6, 2010, the licensee's procedure did not require the position of the prostate to be verified prior to seed placement. As a result, the prostate received 16.9 Gray (Gy) as opposed to the prescribed dose of 125 Gy. |
Lincoln University of Missouri, MI
EA-11-219 |
(SL III) |
12/19/2011 |
On December 19, 2011, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation to Lincoln University of Missouri for a Severity Level III problem involving multiple violations of license conditions and NRC regulations. Specifically, the licensee failed to: (1) ensure that the individual named on the NRC license fulfilled the responsibilities of the RSO between May 2009 and August 18, 2011; (2) conduct a physical inventory every 6 months to account for all sources and/or devices received and possessed under the license between May 2009 and August 8, 2011; (3) notify the NRC in writing within 60 days of no longer conducting principal activities for a period of 24 months; (4) maintain records of receipt of radioactive materials for as long as the material was possessed as well as maintain disposal records until termination of the NRC license; and (5) comply with the applicable requirements for performing leak tests and inventories of generally licensed devices. |
LKS Inspection Services, LLC
Kapolei, Hawaii |
(SL III) |
06/08/2015 |
On June 8, 2015, the NRC Issued a Notice of Violation to LKS Inspection Services, LLC, for a Severity Level III problem that involved the following failures: (1) 10 CFR 34.47(a) requiring individuals acting as radiographers to wear a direct reading dosimeter, operating alarm ratemeter, and a personal dosimeter at all times and (2) 10 CFR 34.47(a) requiring in part that pocket dosimeters must be recharged at the start of each shift. Specifically, on January 27, 2015, an LKS Inspection Services radiographer failed to wear an alarming ratemeter during radiographic operations and two radiographers failed to recharge their pocket dosimeters at the start of the shift. |
Lower Bucks Hospital, PA
EA-97-005 |
$2,750 |
05/27/1997 |
Explanted pacemaker not returned to manufacturer/disposal as non-radioactive waste. |
Longview Inspection, Inc., TX
EA-03-101 |
$6,000 |
08/18/2003 |
On August 18, 2003, a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $6,000 was issued for a Severity Level III problem involving the failure to control and maintain constant surveillance of licensed material (121 curies of iridium-192 contained in a radiographic exposure device) that was in an unrestricted area and the failure to lock the radiographic exposure device while it was not under the direct surveillance of a radiographer or a radiographer's assistant. |
Longview Inspection, Inc., TX
EA-01-281 |
(SL III) |
01/18/2002 |
On January 18, 2002, a Notice of Violation was issued for a (1) Severity Level III problem involving the failure to secure from unauthorized removal or limit access to licensed material (133 curies of iridium-192 in a radiography camera) in an unrestricted area, failure to control and maintain constant surveillance of licensed material, and failure to lock the camera or its container when at a temporary jobsite, and (2) a Severity Level III violation involving the failure to have an additional qualified individual observe radiography operations. |
LTV Steel Company, Inc., OH
EA-01-244 |
(SL III) |
10/09/2001 |
On October 9, 2001, a Notice of Violation was issued for a Severity Level III violation involving the transfer of a gauge without reporting the transfer to the NRC and without providing the transferee a copy of 10 CFR Part 31, per the regulations. |
Lucent Technologies, MO
EA-96-233 |
(SL III) |
11/01/1996 |
Inaccurate information provided to the NRC resulting in termination of license. |
Luzenac America, Inc., MT
EA-11-022 |
$8,500 |
07/07/2011 |
On July 7, 2011, the NRC issued a Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $8,500 to Luzenac America, Inc., for a Severity Level III violation involving the failure to transfer a device containing byproduct material to a licensee authorized to receive it, as required by 10 CFR 31.5(c)(8)(i). Specifically, as of December 2, 2010, Luzenac transferred a fixed nuclear gauge containing byproduct material to a recycling company that was not authorized to receive it. |