Enforcement Manual Change Notice - Number 15
Change Notice Number 15 was issued on December 26, 2023. The primary purposes of this change was (1) the creation of a new section, “Engaging with External Stakeholders,” to consolidate related guidance and to incorporate the Commission’s Tribal Policy; (2) a major revision to guidance concerning NRC’s reporting to the National Practitioner Data Bank; and (3) updating Appendix F, “Notice of Enforcement Discretion.” See Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML23360A760, for the revised Enforcement Manual.
Changes were made to the following sections of the Manual:
- Part I – Section 6.0, “Engaging with External Stakeholders,” was created to consolidate related guidance and to incorporate the Commission’s ‘Tribal Policy (includes corresponding changes to the following Sections:,, 2.5.A.2, and 2.6.3.c, and 4.3.7.A.2 (Part II)).
- Confirmatory order guidance was enhanced with a note pertaining to the documentation of related inspections (Section 1.2.6.D).
- Public enforcement meeting guidance was revised to better align with related agency guidance (Sections 1.2.15.D;; and
- Enforcement Notification guidance was clarified (Section
- “Special Agent in Charge,” replaced an outdated title (i.e., Field Office Director).
- References (e.g., ‘see Section 2.8’) to the disputed violation section of the Manual was corrected (Sections 2.1.1.G and 2.2.7.B).
- Guidance for NRC’s reporting to the National Practitioner Data Bank was revised (Section 3.3.3 (Part II)).
- Appendix F, “Notice of Enforcement Discretion,” of the Manual was revised to address typographical, editorial and organizational enhancements (see ADAMS Accession No. ML23362A014).
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, January 17, 2024