Construction Permit Applications for Medical Radioisotope Irradiation and Processing Facilities

A construction permit application for a production or utilization facility submitted to the NRC under Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities" consists of two parts:

  • an environmental report
  • a preliminary safety analysis report (PSAR).

The NRC staff reviews of each of these parts simultaneously over approximately 18–24 months. After receiving the construction permit application, NRC staff begins its review by making an initial determination on completeness and acceptability of the application. Should the NRC staff determine that the application incomplete or otherwise unacceptable, the staff will inform the applicant and explain how the application is deficient. The applicant will then have the opportunity to correct the deficiencies. Once the staff determines that it has enough information to continue with a thorough technical review of the submittal, the NRC will formally docket the application.

Following an application's acceptance for docketing, there are several significant review milestones including the following:

  • issuance of a request or requests for additional information
  • preparation of a safety evaluation report
  • development of either an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement
  • independent review of the application and safety evaluation report by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)
  • potential contested hearing(s)
  • mandatory hearing.

Finally, the Commission will make a decision to either grant or deny the construction permit based on the application, NRC staff's safety evaluation report, the recommendations of the ACRS, and the outcome of any contested hearings and the mandatory hearing.

Throughout the review of a construction permit application, there are many opportunities for public involvement. Interested members of the public may participate in public meetings and will have opportunities to request a hearing relating to the issuance of a construction permit application.

Construction Applications Received

The links below provide detailed information on the construction permit applications the NRC has received and docketed to date. This information includes: application documents, review schedules, requests for additional information, upcoming public meetings, and contact information for NRC staff members.

Applicant Design Status
SHINE Medical Technologies, Inc. Aqueous target irradiation and processing facility consisting of accelerator-driven subcritical operating assemblies and hot cells Issued on February 29, 2016
Northwest Medical Isotopes, LLC Solid target manufacturing and processing facility Issued on May 9, 2018

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, June 5, 2020