Wagnus Prioleau

Wagnus D. Prioleau is the recently selected Associate Director for the Center for Radiological Emergency Management (CREM) in the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters in Washington, D.C. He has 38 years of federal experience as a health physicist: 31 years with the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program and Naval Sea Systems Command and 7 years with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  His work locations included federal facilities across the country from Charleston Naval Shipyard, Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, Yorktown Naval Weapons Station to EPA headquarters in Washington DC.  His radiological experience includes formal Naval training in health physics, nuclear engineering, and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission compliance (licensing and inspection), health physicist (HP) field work performing radiological surveys, emergency response operations, and supervising radiological control engineering work at Naval facilities during overhaul and refueling of Naval nuclear surface ships and submarines. His current activities at EPA includes Associate Director CREM, emergency preparedness and response working groups and teams: DOE Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) consequence management, FEMA Federal Radiological Preparedness and Coordinating Committee, EPA Removal Managers and Special Teams, EPA Emergency Support Function 10 (ESF-10) response, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) course training and manual revision 2, EPA Radiological Emergency Response Team (RERT) member, and Advisory Team for Environment, Food and Health member. He has a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from Old Dominion University and a graduate Public Management Certificate from Indiana University. He has been happily married for 33 years and have two wonderful children.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, August 06, 2024