Timothy Harris

Tim Harris is a Senior Program Manager in NRC's Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR). Working in the Division of Physical and Cyber Security Policy, he has extensive experience in the protection of special nuclear material including HALEU at advance reactor, fuel cycle, research and test reactor, and medical isotope production facilities. As part of NSIR's international team, Mr. Harris provides input to security reviews of import/export licensing, Part 810 request, and 123-agreements. In addition to participating in numerous IAEA meetings on physical protection, Mr. Harris participates in an interagency team that evaluates the protection of U.S.-obligated material at international partners using INFCIRC-225, Revision 5 as a baseline. Since joining the NRC in 1994, Mr. Harris acquired broad regulatory and licensing experience in a number NRC regulated areas.  Mr. Harris has a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Maryland and a Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, August 07, 2024